Need healing vibes

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Super Boxer
It could be that he has vertigo, too. IT may not be related totally to the pain toxicity.

This would explain his symptoms.

I understand why he would not want to go to the doctor, but his illness may not be as bad as it feels.


Boxer Booster
It sounds like vertigo or maybe an inner ear infection, I had a employee that had to stay off work for a long period of time because she got vertigo (never heard of such a thing before then) but after some meds and rest she got over it...I think alot had to do with her stress level too because her and her husband were having stress may make it worse..maybe your boyfriend is more stressed that he lets on to ensure you dont worry.


Boxer Insane
Thank you all for you help and prayers. Yesterday afternoon, his kidneys and back started hurting pretty bad. Got him some 100% cranberry juice and he drank some. Got up this morning, and asked if I would take him to the doctor or hospital. He fell back asleep, so I called off work, going to reschedule my doctor appointment today, and get him to the doctor. I know it's pretty bad when he said he was going. The only reason I feel it's not just vertigo is due to him and the poisoning. It is purely neurologic type poinsoning. I am going to have the doctor (either reg. or hospital) get him an appointment with a neurologist if their tests don't show anything. The hospital in town is such a joke, so I may try to get him to go to Altoona, Johnstown, Latrobe, or Pittsburgh. They are all really good hospitals and won't give us the runaround like Indiana.
GenG, I will keep you in my prayers also. Mike sounds just like your BF. What is, is and that is life. Just do discouraging! I hope he will come to his senses and get it checked out.
Thank you all again. I really do appreciate it. I just feel like sitting down and crying or having a breakdown. Thank God for you all and my Tyson. A bit of sanity in an insane environment right now.


Super Boxer
My thoughts are with you and I hope the hospital appointment can answer some of your questions. Mike sounds miserable - there must be something they can do to relieve some of those symptoms.

Keep us posted.

Heather and the "kids"


Boxer Insane
I know how you feel. My husband just went through colon cancer surgery a year ago. It took me almost a year to get him to see a doctor. I think it really gave him a wake up call. He was so lucky that it had not spread. They did have to take out alot of his colon. I am sending your BF alot of positive vibes. I hope everything works out for him and he feels better real soon.


Boxer Insane
So, spent 3 and a half hours in ER. All they did was check blood pressure, temp, oxygen and ran blood tests. The only thing he came up with was Labyrinthitis. Been researching it online. I understand that you should have a CT scan to help diagnose this. They gave him antivert for the dizziness and ultram for the back pain. Funny thing is, not only do both cause drowsiness but they also cause (get this) dizziness. They gave him some in the hospital, and seemed to help. He slept all afternoon after we got home. As soon as it wears off, it starts up again. The one thing that scares me is the Labyrinthitis can be a symptom of MS. My gut is telling me he needs to see a neurologist. Unfortuantely we went to Indiana hospital. He said if he's not feeling better within the next couple days, he's going to Johnstown hospital.
Atlasmom, sorry about your DH having to go through surgery. Can't figure out why men are so hard to get to doctors. Guess they feel if the condition isn't diagnosed, it's not real. I know it's pretty bad when he decides to go.
Thank you all for your support. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers for the untold things you made need or want. I don't have enough words to express how much I have come to rely on BW and all the support. It is truely a place of healing. You are all so special and give all your babies a hug and kiss from me.


Boxer Insane
Just a update. Mike got up this morning and still in some pain but not as much. He still has some of the dizziness. Don't even know if I can call it that. He said its like the room shaking left to right. Found out yesterday at ER he has other symptoms he didn't tell me about. Not wanting to worry me any more. He has a hard time picking things up sometimes, knees are hurting, chest tightness, and last night he said he had buzzing in his head. Not his ears though. I am going to try very hard to be positive that it is what the dr. diagnosed yesterday, but my gut and heart tell me it's not. And when I have this feeling, it is usually right. I am going to talk him into going to Johnstown hospital on Sat. if not sooner. Hopefully I can do it. If they say the same thing as Indiana, I will be glad to accept that.
Thanks again everyone.


Boxer Booster
He should at the very least see and ENT. They will likely order an MRI of the brain and internal auditory canals. Vertigo and tinnitus (the buzzing he hears) are symptoms of labyrinthitis, but that isn't the only thing that can cause vertigo. We use vertigo as a diagnosis very often, but in all honestly it's a symptom, something is causing the vertigo. How long does the vertigo last when it hits? Second, minutes, hours, days?


Boxer Insane
When the vertigo starts, it lasts approximately a week. It started this past Sunday, and he is still "dizzy" but not as much. His back is really hurting him, but we were discussing that, and wondering if possibly if it could be from being off balance. You know how you kind of stiffen you back to get your balance. I think I may get him to go to the ENT specialist. I also was thinking, he told me about a month and a half ago he got some metal in his ear. He is a welder. That may even be the problem. I didn't know anything about that. Is there any way to look deep into the ear canal without an MRI? If he did get metal in it, the MRI would pull it out. Thank you all again so much for your help and support. The more I read your responses, the more I am agreeing with you all. I just tend to really worry about him with the neurotoxcitity. So many things that it can cause and it looks like something completely different.
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