Chapter One "Buster Brown's story"

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Completely Boxer Crazy
I spoke too soon on Buster's condition. Friday, only an hour after I wrote my last post Brian came home from work and let Buster out and when Buster came back up the steps he colapsed at Brian's feet. He seemed fine after a few seconds so when I came home we continued with our weekend plans and went to my parents house. Saturday night after letting Buster out for the last time in the evening Buster came in and went up the two sets of stairs at my parents, (split level house) I was standing in the bathroom and Buster colapsed in the door way. This time it lasted a lot longer he was struggling to breath and then he stopped for a few seconds. Brian and I both thought he died because when we lifted his head he was limp and it did not look like there was any life in his eyes. All of a sudden Buster took two breaths and began wagging his nubbin. We took him to bed and he was fine all the next day. Monday, we took Buster to the vet and he had another heartworm test which came out negative (the good news) and he also had an EKG. My vet believes that he has cardio myopothy (sp?). So he prescribed meds to regulate his heart. With the meds Buster has been having more smaller episodes. It seems like he gets dizzy and out of breath and then collapses to the floor but he does not stop breathing. I also think that he is very tired.

I am going to call my vet today and see if we should continue on the medicine that he perscribed or try something different. He may just have to get use to it. Also, my vet was going to talk to a cardiologist to consult with on Busters case.

Cindy Creel

Boxer Insane
I hope that you do get to see a cardiologist, because a second opinion is always good.

I hope he gets better. With the correct meds he should so fine.



Completely Boxer Crazy
Buster does seem to be doing better now. Last night when we came home he was back to his cheerfull self. I guess he needed to adjust to the medicine. Buster will go back for an another EKG in 2 weeks.

Thank you guys for your support!!!!

Holden's Mom

Boxer Insane
I hope Buster continues to do well. Having had both cats and Holden with heart problems, I know it does take time to get the proper diagnosis and regulate the meds. This will be particuliarly true if Buster has an enlarged heart. Regulating the diuretic is the toughest.

Best of luck to Buster. And do keep us posted.

Pam and Pete
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