Pulling during walks - Help

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Boxer Booster
Chelsea is 24wks old, when we go for walks it's a pulling match, I walk her and Stryker every night I live in the country and there's a racetrack near my house from the house to the racetrack it's about 5mins. She pulls constantly once I get to the racetrack they have about 25mins off leash they run I walk the track, coming home again a pulling match. I take for a walk on her own as a training session but I can't get her to stop pulling I just don't know what to do. Last night I used a choke chain but it didn't stop the pulling. I've tried two different type of no-pull harness' they work a bit for a day or two, but they don't stop the pulling. Any ideas of how to stop the pulling, I don't want to use the prong collar on her I feel she's too young. I know walking the two together might be harder but it would be so nice to go for nice long walks but there's no way with the way she pulls. BTW Stryker is not a puller, even with her pulling he stays by my side, sometimes a little behind and even if he does go ahead his leash never gets tight. Help please!


Boxer Insane
I don't know if it would help or not, but with Tyson (who is definately a puller) I would keep treats in my pocket. When he starts to pull, I would tug the leash and tell him the heel command. When he obeyed, I would give him a piece of treat. It was working really well until bf decides to let Tyson have fun and pull. Then it's back to step one for me. But I make sure I have the treats. I am slowly trying to wean him from the treats. Every couple times I will give him one now. But I always praise him when he listens. People think I'm nuts talking in my "boxer talk".


Boxer Pal
Duke likes to pull at times. If we're running he's fine but when we walk he definitely trys to pull. On this morning's walk/run every time he pulled I made him sit down and wait a second before we started walking again. He's still little so obviously it's a work in progress but I'm glad to hear others are using similar techniques, it makes me feel like I'm doing the right thing.


Boxer Insane
We had problems with pulling also.
In obedience classes, what I was told is that the dogs head should not be more than a few inches in front of your leg when walking. If they start to get ahead, do a complete 180 degree turn (abruptly, not a wide circle) and go in the opposite direction. You don't say anything. You should have the leash in both hands, dog on your left. Just keep your arms relaxed and turn 180 degrees. It will jerk your dog slightly, but they will follow you. Take several more steps with your dog beside you, and then do it again. You will start to notice your dog looking up at you to watch what you are going to do. Do this 2 or 3 times, and then just walk as normal. As soon as you see your dog starting to get a bit ahead of you, do it again.
You can also turn towards your dog sometimes, making it a wider turn to get your 180 degree turn. This teaches them to, again, watch you.
After awhile, when they start moving ahead of you, you should just have to snap the leash, and they should wait for you. If they don't, go back to the 180 degree turn.
Give it a try. It worked for us.


Super Boxer
I agree with Dyk Dogs. That was the method that worked for me. Emma had never been leash trained when I got her at nine months. In fact to get her home, we had to use a harness, and she pulled frantically.

So, by walking, stopping and turning around, she became very obedient in a short time. Now it is almost amusing. When she has the leash on her, I can't GET her to walk far away from me. We had a new fence put up, and I had to take her out on a leash while the fence was down. Do you think I could get her to go? She thought we were taking a walk...even in our own back yard.


Boxer Booster
Walking two dogs

Well, I have been using these suggestions and it has helped a bit. When we go for a walk, when she pulls I turn, once I start to get dizzy I use the stop instead of turning. I'm sure with time it'll get better, she will catch on. I live near a racetrack so every afternoon I take the two dogs to the racetrack for some off leash time, they love it and they both burn a lot of energy there, it's about 3mins from my house to the racetrack. My question is how do I get them there without her pulling and without having to stop every two steps, because my boy is not a puller and he wouldn't understrand.

Hi From NZ

Boxer Booster
Hiya, so what if you stop walking when they pull, but they either just stand there (with the leash still tensioned fully) or even sit down? Becuase you then can't reward them for letting the leash go slack! It's still really early days with Bruce I know (13 weeks) but during the short walks we're taking, I'd really like to get the good lead manners established. He ain't gettin' any smaller :eek:


Super Boxer
That is why "they" say to actually turn and walk the other direction. It is not like...give a big yank and turn quickly. It is simply as if you are in charge and decided to go a different direction.

The dog learns to pay attention to you, because you decide what will be happening next.
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