J.C. in an online magazine!

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Boxer Insane
J.C. and I were competing in an Agility trial last month and there was a photographer there taking pictures of the dogs. She got a few shots of J.C. running the course and showed them to me. I have ordered an 8x10 and a 5x7 of the one that I liked best. Today she emailed me that he was in an online magazine and sent me the link to it. Apparently she submits photos to this place sometimes and they publish the ones they like. They picked the worst of three shots (in my opinion)that I had to choose from, but at least he's in there.

***Warning*** In order to view this you need to download the magazine which is an 8mb pdf file. Unless you have a high speed connection, it could take a while. J.C. is on the top of page 32 on the right side. He was the only Boxer there so he should be easy to spot. Here's the link:


Click on the picture of the cover of the magazine to download.
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Boxer Insane
another famous boxer on BW,great job J.C.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MoM & DaD of GDOGS 8/18/05 Brindle,Docked,Floppy and full of Zest


Super Boxer
love Love LOVE the expression on his face as he's landing the jump!
what a priceless shot!
go get 'em JC


Boxer Insane
I love it! I hope SOMEDAY to be able to meet you at a trial, but in the meantime I'll be content to view the photo of the amazing celebrity, J.C.!


Boxer Insane
Congrats to the two of you, they are great shots! J.C. now has another title Movie Star! I love it! You have put alot of time & work in J.C. & I'm proud of you both!
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