11 month year scared of new people

LIL Ares

Boxer Pal

My 10 month old boxer boy started being scared of new people. It's kind of wierd because it's only when he is on leash in heel. If we are at the dog park he runs up to anyone to get a pet from them all the time, but for some reason he doesn't like men walking up to him. Let me rephase that, he doesnt like new men walking up to hiim. He is ok with kids walking up yelling petting, pulling etc. and women the same. It's just new men he gets scared/protective.

Do you have any suggestions to get him out of this new behavior?



Super Boxer
Rocky is also uncertain of men... but not all men. Some he is perfectly fine with some, but others he runs behind me, backs up or has let out a little growl. But it's interesting the ones he does that too.... like my dad, who is nice man and just loves Rocky to pieces. He does it every time with my dad too, no matter how many times he's come to the house. He warms up to him in just a few minutes and they become best buddies so I cannot explain the initial reaction. I just give Rocky some reassurance that it's okay and walk slowly with Rocky up to whomever the new person is (if it's at my house ect). He was 7 months old when he joined our home, so we aren't sure if something happened with him and men when was younger. He's 1 1/2 now and better then when we first got him, but it still happens from time to time. I would just say not to rush him in to meeting whomever he is unsure of if he's feeling uneasy but let him know it's okay. Maybe someone else has better advice to help him get over the new fear.


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
I would just say not to rush him in to meeting whomever he is unsure of if he's feeling uneasy but let him know it's okay.

Don't actually tell him it's okay. You would just be reinforcing his behaviour. Just act calmly and try to get him introduced to as many men as possible.


Completely Boxer Crazy
If the man is at your house, don't force an introduction. Rather, have the man toss a very high value treat towards your puppy every so often. You want your dog to associate the person with good things happening. The man should otherwise ignore the puppy. Let the puppy approach the person, rather than the other way around. Work up to the man giving the treat from his hand eventually, which may take awhile (could be days, weeks - depends on the dog). I have an abused rescue poodle (hoarding situation for 7 years; kennel rescue for another year after that) who still won't take a treat from any human. He just now lets us catch him after a year and will sit on the couch with us when we put him there. Since your pup hasn't been abused, the time frame in building trust should be MUCH shorter!

LIL Ares

Boxer Pal
If the man is at your house, don't force an introduction. Rather, have the man toss a very high value treat towards your puppy every so often. You want your dog to associate the person with good things happening. The man should otherwise ignore the puppy. Let the puppy approach the person, rather than the other way around. Work up to the man giving the treat from his hand eventually, which may take awhile (could be days, weeks - depends on the dog). I have an abused rescue poodle (hoarding situation for 7 years; kennel rescue for another year after that) who still won't take a treat from any human. He just now lets us catch him after a year and will sit on the couch with us when we put him there. Since your pup hasn't been abused, the time frame in building trust should be MUCH shorter!

Thank you, it is a new thing to me. because he use to like anyone. Now it's new people and in new places. I have taken him to my office and he see new people there all the time and he is ok. It only happens sometimes.

I was thinking of taking him to Petsmart and seeing if i can get people to walk up to him and give him treats. hat you you think?


Completely Boxer Crazy
You may need to have people (men especially, if that's his trigger) simply walk past him at first, dropping a treat at his feet - no talk or contact, eventually working up to direct contact and taking the treat from the person. You don't want to push your pup to his panic level. If you can't find people to do this, you could take the pup to Petsmart, give him a treat every time a stranger walks by. Only verbally praise if your pup shows no reaction to the person. As Jan mentioned, don't tell him it's okay. That will only confirm his fear. You want the approach of a person to be the best thing since sliced bread!