
  1. Hugo eating snow

    Hugo eating snow

    This is from our big Valentine's day snowstorm. Hugo Loved it!
  2. Come play with me!

    Come play with me!

    Hugo bringing me his snow covered toy in our last big snowstorm. Check out his ears...midflip!
  3. Do I LOOK comfortable?

    Do I LOOK comfortable?

    Hugo (boxer) and Simon (bt) getting cozy with their Daddy.
  4. Hugo is one year old!!

    Hugo is one year old!!

    This is Hugo at his birthday party. He had 4 of his doggie friends come over and we had cake and lots of playtime!
  5. Our little Boys

    Our little Boys

    This is our family photo of our 'furkids' Hugo and Simon.
  6. I'm so handsome!

    I'm so handsome!

    Hugo at 9 mths old. He's growing up so fast!
  7. Hugo's little Boston bro

    Hugo's little Boston bro

    Simon the Boston Terrier at 6 weeks old
  8. Hugo's new brother

    Hugo's new brother

    This is Simon. He is our new Boston Terrier. The breeder took the pic for us, because he is only one week old and still with his furmommy.
  9. It's hot out here.

    It's hot out here.

    Yet another 90 degree day at the doggie park.
  10. Look how big I am!

    Look how big I am!

    Hugo at 6 mths old and just over 50lbs.
  11. What's that?!?!!

    What's that?!?!!

    Hugo seems surpised by the new puppy at the park.
  12. me and dad

    me and dad

    Hugo resting on his daddy's lap.
  13. Boxer Buddies

    Boxer Buddies

    Hugo makes a friend at the pooch parade.
  14. Fun at the Pooch Parade!

    Fun at the Pooch Parade!

    Hugo and his Pug buddy Emma at the Pooch Parade.
  15. Look at the bed my Mommy made me

    Look at the bed my Mommy made me

    Three hours and some finger pricks later, Hugo has a new bed!
  16. What is up with these ears!?!

    What is up with these ears!?!

    One goes forward, one goes backwards. He has crazy ears!
  17. Before and after

    Before and after

    Hugo and his adult girl buddy Bee
  18. Growing into his legs!

    Growing into his legs!

    Look at those big feet!
  19. Hugo at the doggie park

    Hugo at the doggie park

    Hugo is starting to look more and more like a big boy!
  20. Me and my Buddy

    Me and my Buddy

    Hugo and his good buddy Roo (aussie/lab mix)hard at play!