Under her front legs?

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Boxer Booster
Whenever anyone, other then me, touches her under her front legs(armpit/rib area) she gets upset and nips/growls. She doesn't do it with me so I don't think it is cause she is hurt there. Does anyone elses boxer do this? Or any ideas as to why she does this?
She is four and a half months old. Any help will be appreciated. For now I just tell people not to bother her there. Is that my only option, should I call my vet?


Kodie Rae

Boxer Booster

Seems kind of young to be that upset about something I think.
My Cooper LOVES his armpits scratched and he lets anyone scratch them too. I dont know to be honest with you, sorry I could not offer any advice or suggestions hopefully someone else might know. Good luck.


Boxer Insane
If you need to put your mind at ease you can always call your vet and see what is going on. Rocky hates his head touched by anyone other than myself. When he meets new people he is not interested in being petted he just wants to sniff and smell them. When he is done it is OK to pet him, but I always warn people not to pet his head because he doesn't like it. He will grab a hold of their hand if they try, not hard just like "hey I don't like that". So it might be she just doesn't like it. But go to your vet and talk it over with them to be on the safe side.


Boxer Booster

That is exactly like she does. I think it is just behavioral but hubby didn't like it too much when she did it, so I thought I'd get some opinions on it. Hopefully she will outgrow it!

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