Problems after neutering


Super Boxer
Bare with me this is a long one :(
So Wednesday morning last week we took our 9 month old boy George in to our vet for neutering, hubby was reluctant, I wish I'd listened.

So everything seemed to have gone fine, we realised on pick up that the surgery was done not by our preferred vet (first mistake not checking)
The next day I noticed George was not settling, what pup doesn't crash out after surgery? But didn't really see any other problems. By that night he still wasn't settling not sleeping and clearly not himself so off to the after hours vet in the early hours of the morning. They suggested he may be having a possible reaction to the drugs he had been given (alarm bells starting) showing signs of infection and shock and started him on a drip. We then had to pick him up and transfer him to our normal vet as the after hours vet closes during normal working hours. Back on the drip, swap pain killers as the original ones were causing reflux aswell and his wound site was definitely red & infection starting (48hrs after surgery) By this time I'm starting to freak out & you guessed it because it wasn't our usual preferred vet and because I hadn't triple checked he had been given a 'low dose of ace' yep blood boiling now and yes it's plastered all over our files AGAIN I should mention we lost our 2boxers this time last year (Memphis today actually so guess how I'm feeling) and it had somehow not been transferred over to our new pups file.
Now today 6days after surgery George is almost back to normal but his stitches look a bit pulling so off to our preferred vet this morning who said they looked like they were 'cutting in' so snip snip out they come all fine and we'll until half an hour ago when we realised his wound is gaping open. Hubby has gone to the chemist for steri strips to close it until the morning as the emergency vet believes it should be fine over night.
Can anyone help a. Calm me down by. Tell me the side effects of ace as I'd really like to not have to pay for the mounting vet bills as I believe they are partially responsible and c.advise whether we really should wait until the morning or get him to the after hours vet for looking at?
Thanks for letting me vent


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
I am so sorry that you are having such problems with Georges's neuter. :( I have had 3 dogs neutered and there has never been a problem. I don't believe that that the ACE will cause any long term problems. Usually if it is cause any issues, it happens right away, so I don't think you have to worry about it. I hope that George continues to recover without any further problems.


Boxer Insane
Well, I have had 2 boxer boys... Ben was neutered at about 6 months and Tucker at 20 months. Both had positive outcomes, with no complications. My understanding is that complications due to ACE generally occur during or shortly after administration. Fortunately, our primary vet and all her colleagues honor my request to avoid it. I am sorry that poor George and all of you are experiencing this. Warm & healing thoughts & prayers that he recovers quickly and completely.


Boxer Insane
The whole episode seems like a Comedy of errors imo and I would definitely want some answers , what is the point of giving instructions if they are not followed through ..
I would not go to the vets for answers while you are still up in the air , give it a week and write down your questions , at the end of the day they went against your wishes and put your boy in danger , a neuter should be a straight forward procedure and if all was kept clean and sterile there should not have been a problem .. I am no way medically trained but I do think that the errors made were not of your doing .. I hope that George is back to full health soon , sending healing healthy <<<vibes>>> your way .


Completely Boxer Crazy
So sorry to see this, hope George is doing much better, and you also. It is so hard when they are not feeling well and even harder when we feel that our babies were not cared for properly:( Please let us know how George is.

Boxer Insane
Your poor boy. I hope he is doing better. It is on my file that Ms. Ali is not to be given Ace but I found out accidently through one of the girls at the reception area that she was. I was livid.