Liver cirrhosis

Eleonora II

Boxer Buddy
Having been a silent reader for many years - as our little rascal didn't have or give us any problems - I'm turning to you for help as Buddy has fallen very ill. He's been diagnosed with liver cirrhosis mid last year, an enlarged spleen and prostate and a dormant tumor next to the prostate. It was well controlled with medication but two weeks ago he had a crisis. His liver is inflamed and he was miserable (and so were we) but is thanks God slowly recovering.

We've been advised to change his diet. So far he was fed home cooked meals containing either chicken, meat or liver with some carbs; either bread or pasta and 2 spoons of yoghourt to contain his flatulence. He never accepted kibbles or canned food. We're told last year to add kibbles as they're balanced in nutrition. Bud-Bud accepted with a lot of work the kibbles mixed in his normal food. Now we're told by the vet to change his diet to extremely low protein and instead feed him Hepatic Kibbles as well as mix vegetables in his food. Basically we're told to make a vegetarian out of him. He accepts the vegetable purée (zucchini, carrots and string beans) mixed in his food now.

What is the right way? We're insecure. Any advice would be highly appreciated. Thanks a lot.


Boxer Insane
I had a quick Google and it seems that oily fish is ok , have a google yourself there are quite a few hints and tips to help the liver from being inflamed , you could mix and match foods to suite your boy .. Good luck and let us know how he is doing !!

Eleonora II

Boxer Buddy
Thanks for your tip, Helen - much appreciated. We've got a balanced diet-plan from our old vet back in Switzerland in order not to have to take Buddy off his usual home-cooking. Still he gets the hepatic kibbles mixed-in - although he had to be initially hand-fed to get him started to eat. We're told that this is just at the beginning and he truly seems to get used to it. He still is allowed fish and on the occasion a treat like dried ostrich strips - he's absolute favorite. He has improved and his liver enzyme values came down from 83 to 40 (the normal range being up to a max. of 12) and he is out of imminent danger!! He still has a way to go but we're definitely on the right track. His liver cirrhosis can't be reversed but the condition can be maintained with proper management. All in all we're positive and our little rascal is an outstanding "patient" in that he accepts everything without a fuss ;-). Thanks again!

Eleonora II

Boxer Buddy
Thank you for your encouragement :) - that's very kind. We're really happy and relieved as he makes everyday a little bit progress. He's on an antibiotics IV course for 2 weeks and gets every 5th day a liver support injection. He's much more alert, eats normal again and even runs in the garden - something he hasn't done for the past almost 4 weeks. And lo and behold ... this morning I found him not in his bed but on "his" armchair - LOL. A definite sign that things are almost back to his normal.


Boxer Insane
Fantastic!!! So happy to hear that ... It's so so worrying when they are not well .
Finding him on the chair must have made your heart sing !!