Help please...How do I use Photobucket?

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Boxer Insane
Jan (moderator) was so nice to suggest Photobucket for uploading my really large sized photos, so I may post a link to Boxer World. I have created an account and even uploaded some pictures, but how do I post the link to share with everyone? Do I copy and paste the address at the top of the screen? Thanks in advance! :)


Boxer Insane
I see a section on the right side the says Image Links. The choices are:
Email and IM
Direct Link
HTML Code- I think this may be the right one??
IMG Code

It's weird...I can see these choices for a split second, and then I get black bars over them. Is this because I have made my pictures private? I am going to change the settings and see what happens.


Boxer Insane
Nothing...hmmm. I still have the black bars over the image link choices and nothing happens when I click on them.
If anyone knows what I need to do...please advise. :)


Boxer Insane
Testing 123



Boxer Insane
It works!!


Yay! I still have weird black bars over the image link buttons, but I think that is an issue with my computer.

More pictures to come... :)


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
I'm glad it worked. Don't forget to post them in the Show off Your Dog Forum. :) If you want you should be able to put them in an album and just post the link to the album if you want.
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