Been a long time since I`ve been this angry!!!

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Boxer Buddy
At 10 am I left my little boy at the vet today, to get him neutered. And was told that I could come and get him at 6 pm.

Well, after sitting with my heart in my throat for 8 hours, I went to pick him up.
But what was I told when I got there; One of the vets had called in sick, so the one who was there hadn`t had time to "fix" him yet... I asked for my dog, and had to bite my tounge to keep from shouting at him..!! :mad:

Of course I understand that it wasn`t the vets fault that the other one got sick, but why on earth didn`t enybody call me...?? If they only knew how worried I was..!!
That`s Spain for ya...

So now I have to go out and find myself a new vet..:eek:

Just had to vent...smashicon


Boxer Insane
Good grief! I'd be mad, too! They could (and should) have called you to let you know!

Sorry you worried all that time for nothing!



Your Friendly Moderator
That's terrible and how rude. Why is a simple phone call such a big deal anymore? Can't people just pick up a phone and call and let you know when something has gone astray, or they are running late or whatever? Geez, what the heck are all these cell phones for??????

I'd certainly try and find a way to make my complaint heard and loudly at the vet's office. That kind of business practice is BAD BUSINESS in my estimation.


Boxer Booster
That is so rude! Good luck on the search for a new vet. Hope you find one that has your feelings in mind too.



Boxer Pal
it is so sad that vet's arent really in it for the love of animals..just the love of the almighty dollar.....I would get another vet!
sorry to hear your sad story!


Boxer Insane
Hello?!?!? have they no consideration? I cannot believe that vet! i hope you can find a new one like you said!

Jenny & Oskar


Boxer Insane
Wow...totally inconsiderate and unproffessional! I would be furious!:mad: Your poor baby spent all that time away from you for NOTHING!! Definately make your opinion heard!
Good Luck in your search for a better more considerate vet!


hogan's mom

Super Boxer
I am mad just reading about it! It kinda makes you want to send them a bill for the needless time spent without about your baby, huh?!
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