
  1. Parker dressed up...too cute!!!!!

    Parker dressed up...too cute!!!!!

  2. Parker


  3. Parker WD/BOW Superstition Kennel Club

    Parker WD/BOW Superstition Kennel Club

    Parker goes WD/BOW for his 3rd major at the Superstition Kennel Club
  4. WD/BOW Boxer Club of Arizona

    WD/BOW Boxer Club of Arizona

    This is Parker going WD/BOW/BP at the Boxer Club of Arizona for his 4th major
  5. Parker Winners Dog Palm Springs Kennel Club 1/5/03

    Parker Winners Dog Palm Springs Kennel Club 1/5/03

    Parker's first points! A major at 7 months his first weekend out.
  6. Parker 2.5 months

    Parker 2.5 months

  7. Bean, Chloe, and Parker

    Bean, Chloe, and Parker

  8. Parker at 4 months in puppy match

    Parker at 4 months in puppy match

  9. Parker at 7 months

    Parker at 7 months

    This is a stacked photo of Parker, Hallmarks Creed, at 7 months 12/09/02
  10. I am so mad!!!

    I am so mad!!!

    Parker being mad
  11. Parker & his monkey

    Parker & his monkey

    Parker & his monkey
  12. Parker with  Santa

    Parker with Santa

    Parker with Santa
  13. Parker talking

    Parker talking

    Here's Parker speaking his mind.
  14. Parker & his bandana

    Parker & his bandana

  15. Parker and Bear Nov 2002

    Parker and Bear Nov 2002

    Taken in our backyard this month.
  16. samson and parker

    samson and parker

  17. samson and his cousin

    samson and his cousin

  18. Parker and Bear

    Parker and Bear

    My dogs...always together :)
  19. Parker and Bear

    Parker and Bear

    My happy boxers!
  20. Posing Boxers

    Posing Boxers

    Hey Bear...Dad wants us to pose!