
  1. Welcome Jasper to BOXERWORLD

    Welcome Jasper to BOXERWORLD

    This is my Princess - just came home on 10/18 (my b-day). Her name is Jasper - she is 10 weeks old (15 lbs). Her boyfriend Hooper is happy to have a mate:-)
  2. My fur-kids

    My fur-kids

    My two boy's and their sister.
  3. Sleepy Jasper

    Sleepy Jasper

    My 8 month old male bullmastiff. My baby.
  4. Party Animal

    Party Animal

    Even when I look ridiculous - I am cool.
  5. YUM!


    Muuuuum, he's hogging the cake AND my new toy!
  6. Thwock!


    Just like regular skin kids playing.
  7. Now I get it!

    Now I get it!

    Happy Birthday Jasper!
  8. Happy What?

    Happy What?

    Jasper's not quite sure if the fuss is worth it.
  9. Buddies


  10. We don't WANNA be reindeer.

    We don't WANNA be reindeer.

    This photo only took about 2 hours to set up - and half a packet of cheese.