
  1. star in garden

    star in garden

    star playing in the garden
  2. Millie and Dennis in the garden

    Millie and Dennis in the garden

    My dad is not 100% keen on Millie as she is a fussy dog and she is always licking him, but she adores him so this photo was forced!
  3. Good boy

    Good boy

    Yanos at the age of 4 months, only picture I own where he sits still long enough to take a foto :-)
  4. If I have to go to the vet...YOU have to go to the vet!

    If I have to go to the vet...YOU have to go to the vet!

    Simon playing tug of war with his new found friend, Hosey.
  5. Rowdy's Garden

    Rowdy's Garden

    This is where skin kids and fur babies play.
  6. Molly and Rosie

    Molly and Rosie

    Molly and Rosie in the garden. (Rosie is the one with a spotty complexion!)