
  1. Biscuit and Earl

    Biscuit and Earl

    My boys are growing up.
  2. My Pretty Boys: Biscuit and Earl

    My Pretty Boys: Biscuit and Earl

    My Pretty Boys Posing For a Picture
  3. gotta get that stick

    gotta get that stick

    He loves to jump up after those sticks, even if they aren't supposed to be for him. :)
  4. checking out the fish

    checking out the fish

    This thing really freaks them out.
  5. Earl in a T-Shirt

    Earl in a T-Shirt

    His shirt says "If you don't like my attitude, quit talking to me." I just know he's thinking that for real. :)
  6. Biscuit


  7. Earl


  8. Biscuit and Earl

    Biscuit and Earl

    Got caught on the good couch. Looks like Biscuit found the remote!
  9. No more pictures please

    No more pictures please

    Earl ignoring me.
  10. Biscuit


  11. Tired Boys

    Tired Boys

    Worn out from playing
  12. Biscuit wearing socks

    Biscuit wearing socks

    Isn't he cute in his little socks!!!
  13. Cuddly Earl

    Cuddly Earl

    All cuddled up :)
  14. Okay Okay - you WIN!!

    Okay Okay - you WIN!!

    Amy and Ruben having a nice, gentle game - as only Boxers can.
  15. Amy


    Amy jumping a bit higher than necessary :)