Your Funniest Boxer Stories

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Boxer Booster
Hi all,

I'd like to hear each of your funniest boxer stories. On the old board there was a specific category for this, and I always enjoyed reading about everyone else's boxer's exploits.

I'm looking forward to hearing more stories...thanks in advance for sharing. :)


Ruby's funniest stories involve her being manipulative. Once this past summer when my husband and I were going to the beach to ride bikes, we were loading the bikes in the car and Ruby saw her opportunity, jumped in the backseat and WOULD NOT MOVE. We then took the bikes out the car, got her leash and collar and took her for a walk on the beach instead.
The other thing she does is she sits by the pantry (where she knows her treats are kept). She will look at us, then at the pantry door, look at us, then back at the pantry until we get the "hint".


Ruby- Flashy Fawn, Black Mask,Cropped, 5/1998

Mac and Tigra's mom

This story will always stick in my mind!!!

when Tigra Marie was 6 months old, she got ahold of my bra and ran outside with it in the parking lot which was packed with people, including some young men palying football. Than when I tried to catch her, she kept running from me with the bra swinging in her mouth. I was so embarrassed having to retrieve it. I am a size " D " so it wasn't a pretty bra!!! ( looks like a sling shot :)

Those crazy boxers :)


Boxer Insane
LOL! OK, I have already told this story once but it made me laugh so hard I want to share it again.
We have an electronic lock system in the house and every apartment has a code of their own so people can enter and every time someone is unlocking the system using this code there's a peep sound in the apartment to announce someone is coming. Every time there's the sound Tina rushes to the door barking out loudly. Once in the morning she came up into our bed, and I must say she never gets on the blanket, she only gets right under it when she is in the bed with us. As soon as she got under the blanket (and its cover was with a hole right in the middle to insert blankets ) someone opened the electronic lock and Tina jumped from the bed. On her way she got right into the cover hole and inside it and started rushing all around the room bumping into the furniture and barking at the same time :D :D We laughed soooo hard it took us some time to stop and release her :D

Tina - fawn, natural ears, born September 1996; sweetie and cutie


Boxer Booster
my D'artagnan is just simpal minded some times. once my husband left the ride on lawn mower in the frount yard and goofy climbs up on it and sits in the seat.....I had so many people stop just to look at him. I guess he seen daddy do it why not give it a try.... thank goodness it was turned off... I dont want to imagin him driving!
I origanly posted this a few weeks ago but thought it should be included :)

origanly posted 09-14-2000 09:35 PM
Ok I have to chip in here with a few "tails" from my old boxers.
We got Alex when he was 8 months old and he was a buetiful boy reverse brindle docked and cropped. Well he stayed in our kitchen when we weren't home and one day I went shopping and put all the groeceries away but 1 thing... a 5# bag of flour. Well I had to run somewhere few a few minuets (bank or something) and when I came home I walked to the kitchen to start bakeing cookies and what should I see but this white dog in my kitchen! Alex was sitting in the middle of the floor and totaly covered in flour! All you could see was his big brown eyes and his brown nose, and boy did he look guilty! Once I could stop laughing I cleaned up the kitchen, it had a white covering over everything, I was cleaning flour for days!
The other story is about Ginger,fawn cropped & docked female, she was about 6 months old when this happened. Well I had just gone through a divorce and she and I had moved to a new home with a basement kitchen. Ginger had never been alone before, my ex got to keep my male Alex
So since she had always been fairly good before I put her in the basement, shut the door and went to work. Well when I came home she was sitting in the front window! I found out that she had "eaten-clawed" a hole in the bottom of the kitchen door! Well I couldn't be too mad at her after all it was my fault, and with all that happy kidney beaning I melted

I hope you all got as big a laugh as I did from these instances. I can still see Alex sitting there and I can't stop smiling!


much Loved companion of
Greta the Boxer, 2/6/89
Flashy Brindle, cropped with natural ears

Greta's story

or Family Pics

Lisa M

Completely Boxer Crazy
Boxers are so great, Casper makes me laugh at least twice every day (usually more).

Our family has always had boxers, my dad's dog when he was little was named "Queenie" she once ate a $100 bill that my grandma left next to defrosting ground beef on the kitchen counter (along with of course what she was after- the beef :) ).

Another boxer when I was growing up was named "Rocky", he once ran around the table four times, then jumped up on the table and through my granparents dining room window after my grandpa came out of his bedroom wearing a new suit asking how everyone thought it looked. (Somehow, he was OK.) We joked that Rocky just didn't like that suit, so grandpa returned it, but I don't think the people at the store believed him when he told him it was because he was scared his dog would jump out the window if he saw him wearing that suit again.

mama to:
-Sumi, lab mix "pound puppy"
-Casper, white boxer rescued from the Dade County Animal shelter


Boxer Booster
Thanks all for the great stories.

I especially loved the story about the boxer covered in flour. :eek: That reminds me of a story posted on the old board (I can't remember who posted it) about two boxers that got into a big can of Crisco. LOL...their human came into the kitchen to see them taking turns with their heads inside the can. They were covered with greasy Crisco...all over their heads and necks.

One of my favorite stories about Minnie, we spent a weekend with some of our friends at their river house. It's a tidal river, meaning the water level goes up and down dramatically with the ebb and flow of the tide. Anyway, when the tide went out there would be 2 or 3 freet deep sloppy mud on some parts of the river bank. Minnie loved to go slopping through it at full speed, mud flinging everywhere as she ran.

One time though while we were out on the boat, she went "wading" through the two feet deep mud and decided she wanted to go into the house. She somhow managed to get the screen door open (we're still not quite sure how) and marched all over the house covered in sloppy stinky black river bottom mud. :eek: She even paused to shake off in the kitchen! Her tracks reveled that she made at least one complete circuit through the first floor of the house.

Needless to say miss Minnie wasn't so proud of her accomplishment after she witnessed our reaction. After a doggie hose-down, a few hours of house cleaning, and lots of guilty boxer sulking and slinking and pouting, we got back to enjoying our weekend at the river.

I'd love hear more of your stories soo definitely keep them coming. :)

Minnie 2 yr. old fawn female cropped/docked.

[This message has been edited by boxerpeople (edited 09-29-2000).]


It was awhile back ago, but I would have to say my funniest scene with Debo would be the day I wanted to take him for a walk, but I guess I wasn't quite ready because I was trying to be quiet. He was in the kitchen eating and I QUIETLY took his leash and I was standing by the front door, I got caught because he looked up and saw me, cocked his head sideways, realized I had the leash, and BOLTED straight for me and the front door, when he got there, he shook his head and his kibble came flying out all over from his jowls! Yuk, wet, slobbery, kibble all over the place!

Boxers are such characters! Debo always does something to brighten my day!


Boxer Buddy
One summer day a couple years ago I was swimming with my boyfiend and we had our two dogs out playing in the yard. My dog is a female boxer (Ali) while my boyfriend has a lab mix (Macy.) Macy loves to swim and was very upset that the gate was closed. So we decided to let her in the pool. She jumped right in without hesitation and started swimming. Ali, of course, was curious. So I picked her up and helped her in and she swam beautifully. Well, Macy decided to get out and jump back it. Ali wanted to follow. However, Ali's jump was not impressive at all. She literally sank to the bottom of the 4 ft pool. We rescued her easily since we were already in the pool. Let's just say she was done with swimming for the rest of that day.
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