Wiggly Giggle Fun!

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Boxer Booster
Well, yesterday I broke down and bought Jake a Wiggly Giggly ball. I've been putting it off because they are so ridiculously expensive, but boy was it worth it! Jake has never had so much fun. He's been growling and barking at it for hours, picking it up and dropping it. I think he's trying to kill it. :) Last night I actually had to put it in another room because he wouldn't go to sleep. Then he became obsessed with finding it and finally fell asleep right in front of the door. It was his first thought this morning, as he was again in front of the door anxiously waiting for me to retrieve it. LOL! He is so funny.

Suzanna - Mom to Jake, 2 year old fawn male, floppy ears, docked tail


Boxer Buddy
Coco just loved the wiggly giggly ball too, but after a few days she managed to dislodge the noise tubes from their holes. Then she bagan to chew the plastic from around the holes and swallow it. So long wiggly giggly, too bad. The only ball type that Coco hasn't been able to chew up is a clutch ball.

Jean - Mother to:
Coco - 4 yrs old adopted female - reverse brindle
Joseph - Deaf fawn male - 4 yrs. - rescue


Boxer Buddy
Coco just loved the wiggly giggly ball too, but after a few days she managed to dislodge the noise tubes from their holes. Then she bagan to chew the plastic from around the holes and swallow it. So long wiggly giggly, too bad. The only ball type that Coco hasn't been able to chew up is a clutch ball.

Jean - Mother to:
Coco - 4 yrs old adopted female - reverse brindle
Joseph - Deaf fawn male - 4 yrs. - rescue


Boxer Buddy
Coco just loved the wiggly giggly ball too, but after a few days she managed to dislodge the noise tubes from their holes. Then she bagan to chew the plastic from around the holes and swallow it. So long wiggly giggly, too bad. The only ball type that Coco hasn't been able to chew up is a clutch ball.

Jean - Mother to:
Coco - 4 yrs old adopted female - reverse brindle
Joseph - Deaf fawn male - 4 yrs. - rescue


Boxer Booster
The clutch ball didn't last very long in our house - along with all the other toys! I bought the smaller, purple one and poor Bronte didn't even get to play with it before Ttakas had chewed a piece out.

Ttakas - Flashy fawn (Male).
Bronte - Flashy brindle (Female.
Littermates - born May 9/97 and real clowns!!
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