What is the best Bait to use in the show ring?

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Boxer Booster
Mugsy is very picky. While we were in obedience classes, he became quickly disinterested in the bait that I would use. I would switch it every class, and sometimes I would bring a variety to each class. I am working on showing him, and practicing his stacking, but the bait I'm using does not keep his attention. Could I be doing something wrong? Or should I be using a different bait? Also is there a way to keep him front trying to sit while stacking? I have held my hand under his belly and used the stay command, but the minute I move my hand away, he sits...maybe he used to this from his obedience class.

Any helpful suggetions would be great!

Thanks in advance.


Boxer Insane
Personally I'd be inclined to ditch the bait altogether. It doesn't sound as though you've got an especially food-oriented dog and in any case, it is better that the dog understands what you want from it and responds to the command (whether it be a sit, a down, or a stand/stack) rather than trying to manipulate the dog into compliance with a bait. In that case, the bait becomes a crutch, rather than a means of getting the dog to look animated - which is actually the sole point of bait in the show ring ;)

If Mugsy is trying to sit when you're trying to get him to stand/stack then that suggests to me that he doesn't actually understand what it is you're asking him TO do. Quite possibly he doesn't fully understand the 'sit' command either - or at least he isn't differentiating between that and any other instruction you're giving him.

I think you need to go back to working on teaching him different commands, working through a range in varying orders so that he has to concentrate on what it is that you're asking. If he sits when you tell him 'down' or 'stack' then he needs a negative marker. When he gets it right, then praise and/or treat - in fact, Mugsy could be a very good candidate for clicker training as that will let him know instantly when he's got it right.

Once he's learned to differentiate between commands and is reliable on that you can start baiting him, but I think right now it's a case of cart before the horse. As for what to use - personally I think cheese is good, or at least something you're happy to put in your own mouth before giving to him. That's a very useful technique for showing. Baiting is about getting the dog to look at you and show animation. That's most easy accomplished when the dog focuses on your face waiting for something yummy to pop out of your mouth and into his ;)


Boxer Booster
You may be correct that he still needs work - I know that for a fact. however, he does not seem to confuse the commands. He has completed obedience training and does the command when told - even when they are given in different orders. When he does do the wrong command, I do correct him and then reward him for doing the command correct. (I hope that doesn't sound too confusing.) The problem that I'm having is keeping him in that position. He does initially stack, but after a while (not too long) he sits. He will stack again when I correct him, but he doesn't want to stay in that position. Has anyone else ever had this problem? I am taking handling classes in January so I can perfect my end of the training, but I want to continue practicing with him. I didn't know if there was a technique that I could use to keep him stacked.
you can try teaching him/her "Stand Stay", works for us. Also, our conformation instructor told us a trick that worked was.. once they are stacked and in the position you want, press between the shoulder blades and say "stand stay" Get his/her tail up, then place your hand underneath his tummy (where it tucks up). Hope that helps a bit! Good luck!


Kerry Jane

Super Boxer

Maybe try hotdogs. For bait it is simply a matter of trying a wide range of things until you hit upon what works for your dog. I have even seen dogs that will work for one specific brand of hot dog but not others. Cheese is another good suggestion. However, if food doesn't work what about trying a small toy - this may work, but it might also make your dog wild.
I had a similiar problem with my girl sitting instead of standing. Whenever she got confused about what she needed to be doing she would sit because she thought that was a good thing. I did 2 things - one which was to work on a stand command and getting her to realize that I wanted her to stay standing until I gave her a release command, and the other was to stop using the sit command. I didn't tell her to sit for a couple of months, instead we made the down command the one that we practised and I used often (she has never laid down in the ring). These seemed to have worked.


Boxer Insane
Another thing you can try is waiting out the sit. If she's confused and sitting because she thinks that's what you want, instead of correcting her and then treating her once she's assumed the corrected position, try standing there until she stands up again. Cock your head at her and wait her out. When she stands, THEN give a tidbit. I wouldn't praise, because you don't want to give the impression that standing from a sitting position is the behavior being requested. The message should be that on a show lead, standing is expected and that nothing happens when she sits.
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