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Boxer Pal
Just got back from walking Oscar,during thr walk i heard a terrible noise coming from a house where i had seen they have a new puppy. It turns out that the noise was the terrified puppy after its owner had tied an electrical cable round its neck with an old telephone attached.....FOR A JOKE!!!!!
The puppy ran from the garden in front of me straight into the path of a motorcycle, lukily it wasnt badly hurt. I got hold of the puppy and released its neck from the cable, the owner had a smile on his face thinking it was all very funny. I was so angry i had to hold back from hitting him right in his smiling face, i told him that next time i saw him do something like this the cable would be round his neck,, and i would smile then. Its so frustrating not to have anything like the RSPCA or similar animal protection agencies here, i need to let off some steam.

[This message has been edited by Chris (edited 08-22-2000).]

Harley Mom

Boxer Buddy
That is so frustrating!!! I don't know if I would have had the self control that you had. Did you give the puppy back to him? Did you call the police? That guy doesn't deserve to have any pets!!!


Harley: Flashy Brindle Boy, Born 07/04/97


Boxer Pal
I have been here for 5 years now and have learnt that it is best to have self control, life is so cheap here, if people "lose face" lets say by having a foreigner hit them, they would think nothing of pulling a gun on you. Also the police here are only police by name, and won't do anything if no money is involved!! Thats what makes it more frustrating
Dont get me wrong though, on the whole Thailand is a great place.

[This message has been edited by Chris (edited 08-22-2000).]

Copper Hill Boxers

Do you have anything there like a Kennel Club that may be able to assist you in removing the puppy from that home? That poor pup!

Cindy B/Copper Hill Boxers


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
That is so sad. Some people just don't deserve to have a dog.

Markus, dark brindle
neutered male, 6 yrs old


Boxer Booster
What an *$%#@! Chris, I admire your self control. You must have been extremely frustrated and felt very helpless. It's difficult sometimes to imagine what it would be like to live in a place that is not as idealistic as America. We have so many organizations designed to help others (animal & human), but not everywhere is the same.

Suzanna - Mom to Jake, 2 year old fawn male, floppy ears, docked tail

Nikki's Mom

Boxer Booster
If I had a dime for the number of time wished we had a RSPCA. It is so needed!!!!!!!!

Nikita (Nikki) - White female born 8/1/93


Boxer Booster
Hey Chris,
I have an idea,...... If you ever see the dog out alone, sneak up and take it home. I'm only half kidding. Maybe you could find it a home where it would be loved and not have to be scared all the time. :(

Rocky's Mom
4 yr old white, natural ears, cropped tail
Hi Chris
I understand what you mean. I come from India. A country where you mind thousands of stray dogs. Some people treat them cruelly and you don't even have SPCA. Even if you have SPCA it is hard to get through to them . And the police don't do anything about such issues. Well, you cannot even blame them.India as such has other problems and the police cannot afford to spend time on these issues. I had often spent my childhood trying to feed these stray dogs and these dogs are so grateful!!!! They show their gratitude in every way.

Poppy--(Judy Old Flame Of Jojupama):Fawn, Female, FloppyEars, DockedTail....Rainbow Bridge


Boxer Booster
Unfortunately there are places in this world where life is valued so little that people are bought and sold or killed for little or no reason or money. With this type of outlook, it is quite easy for them to have little or no value for an animal. :(

Emma - black-masked brindle girl, 04-03-00
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