Try anything once!

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Boxer Booster
As our dog Cinda was a year old when she was given us, her training was done by her first owner, our daughter. We didn't know anything about training anyway, so a lot was lost. But now, at age nearly seven, (on 12th Dec) Cinda and I have started obedience and agility classes. It takes a while longer for her to have the penny drop on some things, but boy, you CAN teach an old dog new tricks. We both enjoy the fellowship of like minded people and while she may be the oldest dog there sometimes, it's immense fun! I'd encourage anybody to put age aside and have a go. You and your dog may never be too old!


Super Boxer
That is awesome :D Glad to hear you're having fun! I definitely think older dogs can be taught new things, and if you try hard enough and go about it the right way, you can undo some old habits.
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