Toy Warning

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Completely Boxer Crazy
Hi people,

I have seen the following warning posted on more than one message board. I did my best to find a "source" but couldn't. Here it is:

A pet toy, the Wiggly Giggly ball is a hidden danger as it contains zinc-coated whistles encased in plastic. Unfortunately on 3/18/2001, "Maggie", our 2-yr-old wheaten terrier, experienced a painful death from zinc toxicosis after ingesting one of the three whistles. The ball packaging gives no warnings as to metal contents, so it appears rather safe. The toy was featured on the Oprah Winfrey show last Christmas season and received the 1999 Toy of the Year award. It's a rugged green ball, without
batteries, decorated with paw prints and makes amusing noises. The exact same ball has been marketed for children, but lacks the paw prints. If a pet should ingest metal (confirmed by x-ray), it is to be considered a MEDICAL
EMERGENCY and extracted immediately via endoscope or surgery--otherwise the pet will deteriorate and die. Please help me, send this message out to protect other pets--so Maggie's death will not have been in vain!

This is no criticism of anybody's toy choice (please don't get defensive and tell me how many years your dogs have played safely with this toy). I have never seen the toy up close, so I don't know how easy or hard it would have been for the dog to get the whistle out.

My apologies if any facts here are wrong. I know that I would want to be told about possible hazards associated with any of Jasper's toys.

Play safe furbabies!!lovicon


Boxer Booster
I bought Annabelle one for Christmas. She had broken through it in less than an hour. Good thing I returned it to the store. Thanks for the info.


Boxer Insane
There is a letter from the manufacturer regarding this issue - I'll see if I can find it and post it here. They were already in the process of eliminating the zinc from the toys when this came up. The zinc pieces are inside of the metal pieces that make noise, which are inside of the ball.

Another reason not to leave dogs with toys unattended. :)


Completely Boxer Crazy
Thanks Julie,

I was torn between not posting (since I had no verification) and posting a possible hoax warning. I am not glad that it's true, just that people aren't alarmed for nothing.

Glad to hear the manufacturer is being so responsible.
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