too much to think about... need advice pls

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Boxer Booster
Ok. Last night I was sitting watching TV when my dad called. He said he had an opptunity for me. A friend of yours is moving to New Jersey were she is buying a 35 acre farm and putting in a dog grooming salon. She already has a shop in PA, a half hour from my pop's house. When she moved, she was going to sell it (the pa shop) to her asst. groomer, well, she baled out yesterday. Here is the deal: She offered it to me, I have to give her $5,000.00, a monthly fee, and in 5 years, the shop, clients, and all the stuff inside will be mine. So you are now thinking, " Ona, I don't see a problem!"
Torrey and I were planning on moving to FLordia in the spring. I would have to leave him for 6 months because of our lease here. and I don't know if this is what I want to do for the rest of my life.!! would it be bad of me to decline? I am SO scared! I don't want to miss a great opptunity like this, but what if I fail?
I just need some sound advice.
Has anyone ever been handed an opptunity and passed it up? I a afraid if I do pass it up another one will not come along and... I don't know I am so sick to my stomach! I was up all night tossing and turning, I thought I was going to throw up.
Sorry if I ramble, my mind is gong a mile a minute!

My dad always says "All the money in thw world doesn't matter, as long as you are doing something you LOVE!"

Derek-rainbow bridge at 14 and 1/2
Tyler-rainbow bridge at 10 months
Currently dogless

Amy Lyn

Super Boxer

What a dilemma. I was offered an opportunity a few years ago to go in on a daycare center with my sister-in-law. I won't go into the gory details, but it wasn't a bad opportunity.

I knew the money would be there and that it would be something I could count on. However, I had reservations, as you do. There were a few aspects that I didn't feel comfortable signing up for life on. Daycare definitely wasn't something that I wanted to do for the rest of my life. As well as the fact that there are some aspects of daycare that I don't like.

So, I gave it some thought, bought some books on the subject (which all said the monetary value is great), but I just couldn't do it. I told my sister-in-law that I didn't think I would be the best partner for her as I had so many doubts and it just wasn't what I wanted to do for the rest of my life.

Now, that doesn't mean I'm telling you not to go for it. You have some serious soul searching to do. Give it a lot of thought, because once your in, you are at least in for five years before you can sell it, right? You may end up really liking it though. Buy some books, surf the net, find out as much as you can about it and then make a decision.

Good luck and let us know what you decide.

* * * * *
Amy Lyn
Wagner (Fawn, black mask) b: 04/25/00
Clark (Fawn, black mask) b: 03-11-99 (Rainbow Bridge 05-06-00)

If you are seriasly considering this you may want to ask her if you can see her books. You need to be able to pay your monthly fee, supplies, insurance, advertising, and of course your utilities. That would be quite hefty monthly overhead, all before you draw a salery for yourself!

If after all this you are still considering it, I would say that you are definatly interested enough to try it for a few years.

If you do decide to try, make sure you talk to a Buisness Attorney and make sure that you have a solid contract that explains what your responsabiaties are and what would happen if you defaulted.

Good Luck!

much Loved companion of
Greta the Boxer, 2/6/89
Flashy Brindle, cropped with natural ears

Greta's story

or Family Pics


Boxer Booster
I adgree with you Jennifer, Jackie, the lady said to call her to let her know when I was coming to do that.
She said that last year the shop made $85,000.00
and that in the 5 years that I would paying her monthly, and all the bills, I would be putting $450.00 each week in my pocket. I did not write this before because I do not want the money to persuade any ones' advice.

So forget I even said that.
I would not be doing it for the money, ya it is nice and you need it to get things to live, but I need to think about, what makes me happy, right? If mucking stalls at $5.00 an hour makes me happy than I should do that right?

How many people out there in this world do what they LOVE. I mean really love?!?

Derek-rainbow bridge at 14 and 1/2
Tyler-rainbow bridge at 10 months
Currently dogless
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