To People with Brindle Boxers

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I was just wondering, do you get a lot of looks from your Brindle, and also a lot of people thinking they are pit bulls??

We get soo many people who come up to us and say how beautiful Striker is, and say, oh look at his markings, and just seem in awe, like they've never seen one before. Most people don't even realize he's a boxer, usually think he's a pitbull.

When we have our two out, everyone zones right in on Striker, and says how adorable Nellie is, but usually focuses on Striker's color. Also, more people are afraid of him, than of Nellie, he is much more intimidating.

One lady was like "Wow, it looks like he has stripes!!"

Everyone asks where we got him, and wants to know if we're gonna breed him and everything!!

More of the "homey people!" just love him, LOL.

It's just everytime we take him somewhere, people are just in awe. Most people think of Nellie, the fawn color, as being the traditional color, and think Striker is just some type of new phenomenon! Geez people, go read a dog book!


Boxer Insane
Hi Cindy. I havent had that problem yet because Chase is only 11 weeks they kinda ignore Jazz since she is a lot bigger. And focus on Chase since he is so little. But I am curious to know what will happen when he gets BIGGER!

PS. I just sent you an e-mail. :D


I saw one of the most beautiful Boxers yesterday at the dog show; plain brindle. It was so striking! I won't get a brindle for a while though... :( I am jealous and envious!
I am very new to the boxer breed and I just recently got a baby brindle gal and her name is lyssa and she also has beautiful "tiger like" markings and everyone says how pretty she is and also asking me if Im going to breed her and ive only had her a week I think that its true people(non boxer people of course)tend to think they look like pits in fact when I went to pick up my girl there was a lady there who HAD NO Idea what a boxer looked like and she asked if they were pitbulls so I have heard that too,as far as color goes I just think people see what they want and a boxer does look intimidating but they dont get to see the personality b4 take care

Alisha Mobley

Boxer Insane
Tyson is a classic brindle, Pru is a flashy brindle, and Sheeba is a flashy fawn. When I take all 3 out most people compliment on Sheeba's looks, Tyson's size and Pru's sweetness. Only once did a couple of ladies come up to me and act as if Sheeba wasn't there, they acted as if Pru was the prettiest thing they had ever seen. Pru tends to place her paw in peoples laps when they squat to pet her or she will role over for them to rub her tummy. Tyson and Sheeba just sit there. Must be different areas but it seems like in our area people like the flashy fawns better (I had a heck of a time trying to find one also ;) ).


Boxer Booster
My Roxy, has also been mistaken for a pit bull. As a matter of fact we almost had a serious problem with one of our neighbors, because they were afraid of our "pit bull".
I got a phone call one night saying they were afraid to walk past our house because our mean dog barked at them. After I explained she was a boxer the response was "Oh, well that's different then". People just amaze me!
Oh, and all of my son's friends call Roxy our "tiger dog".


Everyone says Striker looks like a Tiger!!!

Also, Striker's first boxer friend was a Brindle female named Roxy. They played everyday and had a blast! And then we both moved.....

Boxer Crazy

Boxer Booster
I've had a few people think that Keisha was a pit bull. I've had people stop dead in their tracks too and then walk around us or stay perfectly still while I walk past. I try to reassure them that she is just a big sweetie but these people are still afraid. I think that Keisha's black face and cropped ears make her look very intimidating. I think if I didn't know her and the boxer breed in general I too would be fearful. I have never had a comment like that with Travis - I hear comments on how cute he is, etc. I think that the fawns have a softer look - especially with natural ears.
I love the look of both!


Boxer Insane

Rebel and Tess were brindles :)

Layla is a brindle and children usually always say she looks like a tiger :D We have never had the 'pit-bull' comment at all as there are very, very few pit-bulls here. 95% of people know Boxers and the 5% who do not usually ask if they are Bull Dogs :LOL:

[Edited by Krikkit on 02-26-2001 at 05:26 AM]
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