To Olly - please help

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Boxer Insane
Olly, things seem to be getting worse for me on the board ;) I'm not speaking on the fact that I cannot see my messages when I post them - you gave me an advise last time and I tried it - no result. OK, now I get back from my vacation and there's another problem: every day I have to type in my user name and password. I don't have to do it every time I post something - only when I post a first message daily. So when I switch my computer off, my password is not saved.
Could you please help?
Then, BEFORE the vacation ( :D) every new topic and topics with new posts were marked red. Not anymore. Is it what everybody here has now or does it have something to do with the problem of my password?
Sorry to disturb you with all this stuff, but now I start missing 'the old times' when I didn't even know there could be problems like that here :p


BW owner
Staff member
Hi Marina :)

Between before your vacation and now nothing changed (and by the way, the board is still the same between the one on the "old time" server and the current one, you can check the number at the bottom of the page) so the problem come from your side, probably your browser. It can be your ISP but this is rare.
About the fact you can't see your message when you post them, it is a cache problem. It can come from your browser (check its setting - it has to check for new pages all the time) or from your internet service provider.
About the password and user name, IE 5 asks you if you want it to remember your password. Click Yes. If it doesn't ask you about it, you should check its setting so you can enable this feature.
About the red folder, it is a cookie thing. Your browser must accept cookies if you want to see the changes AND it has to keep them when you close your browser (if not, it can't remember the last time you visited the board). You need to check your browser's setting about it too. Well, that's all I can say as nothing changed here...Still UBB version 5.45c since April or so.
For board related problem, you can go to



Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
Hi Marina
I have similar problems and I haven't been able to figure them out either. I no longer have the red file folders, which is a real nuisance since I no longer know where I have been and where I haven't. I also have to type in my name and then if I click on the password box, my password gets filled it. I usually have to do this only once and then it fills in automatically.

I've tried to figure it out without any success. If you solve the problem, please let me know.

Markus, dark brindle
neutered male, 6 yrs old


Completely Boxer Crazy
Hey guys! I might be able to help a little...

Olly sugested I change my password under profile and voila`, I no longer have to keep typing it in.

I also no longer have red folders. :(

Hope that helps a little! :)



Boxer Insane
Thanks for answering. I entered the preferences and clicked 'yes' to save my name and password (although I did it also when registering myself a couple of months before). As for my messages - I checked settings of my browser and it checks for new pages... sigh... OK, I have to learn how to live with it :D :D
Again, sorry to have disturbed you. It is just so strange - no problems when I joined the board and then, one by one, they started appearing.
Thanks again and regards :)


BW owner
Staff member
Hi Marina,

There are always weird things when it is computer related ;) Computers guys at work here can tell you about them for years. LOL
About the red folder, they told me it can be a proxy problem (if you go online through a proxy).
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