Strange doggie

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Super Boxer
In addition to my Boxers I also have 2 outside dogs (their choice). I have a 4 year old Border Collie/Heeler with the strangest eating habits in the world. Actually I am not even sure she eats. When we feed her she will either dump her bowl and walk off, or remove each bit of dog food one at a time and push it through the dirt with her nose. I don't know why she does this, because she never goes back and eats that food, Brodie our Malumute/Shepherd will take care of that for her. Has anyone ever seen such behavior, I sure haven't, any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Lisa M

Completely Boxer Crazy
I guess it works for her :) Sumi does pick up individual kibbles or a mouth of three at a time and bring them into whatever room we're in and then drop them there. Sometimes she eats them in front of us (like we wanted to SEE her eating) and other times she leaves them there and goes back to her bowl or just walks away. Glenn gets really annoyed because he always finds these "stray" kibbles by stepping on them with his bare feet. Which makes me and Sumi crack up, ha-ha.
Good luck in unlocking the mystery someday.

mama to:
-Sumi, lab mix "pound puppy"
-Casper, white boxer rescued from the Dade County Animal shelter


Boxer Booster
Emma sometimes plays with her food like Sumi does. I usually let her do this a couple times and then pick up the bowl. I like to keep track of how well/how much she eats so I don't let her play too much. :) I never have had a dog that buried their food.

Emma - black-masked brindle girl, 04-03-00
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