So far, so good!

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Super Boxer
Well Ruben has been eating raw for almost a week now and he is LOVING it! We are all very happy with it. I think it's time for a new meat source, he isn't getting as excited about chicken leg quarters as he used to. I have also been feeding chicken liver, but I'm going to call a local slaughter house today to see what kind of deals I can get on other meats. It's going to be hard to beat the CLQ since I can get them for .48 cents a lb though. I have had a thousand question from friends and family who find out what we are feeding them. I try to explain it but most of them think I'm crazy, oh well!


Boxer Booster
Congrats!! Cassius started RAW about 2 weeks ago, and is doing pretty good (except still has runny poops!). Much easier then I thought it would be! And you're right, most think I am Crazy! :LOL:


Super Boxer
Luckily Ruben's poos have been good. My DH thinks it's hilarious to see me follow Ruben around outside to check out his poo..LOL!


Boxer Pal
my Leila has been on raw since she was 7 wks old when we got her. She is 7 months now and looks fantastic. she had a growth spurt a few months ago, but is really growing slowly. She's 47 pounds. She is way heavy but still lean. She has such a classic boxer look now. Only thing I'm missing is she used to fall asleep on my lap when younger. Now she doesn't fit! Keeping feeding raw. It might be a pain to remember to take the meat out in time to defrost, but looking at my baby, it's well worth it!


Boxer Pal
Buster's been on raw for over a year now,he's 19 months,he still has runny poos most days (afternoon during exercise),pretty sure he has colitis.Vet said he's in great condition and not to worry about what comes out of him.I think he has low level allergies to Chicken,Turkey,Beef and Fish,I feed these occasionally as I want to keep a balance,but mainly he's having Lamb,Pork and Rabbit.
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