sad day

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Boxer Pal
Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't responded to the e.mail that you have sent. I have been out of town tending to an ailing dad. I had to put down my 14 yr old cocker yesterday. He was covered in cancer. I have 2 boxers Harley 1yr and Hunter 3 yrs. I went and bought 2 wiggly giggly balls yesterday for my boys. They had a blast!! Harley the young one was afraid at first then got in the action. This made me laugh and lift my spirits a great deal after loosing Mork. My boys were exeptional clowns all day as if they knew I needed to laugh. Hunter would not leave my side. It's amazing how in tune they are to our emotional needs. Thanks for the lead on the balls. This board helps me a great deal!!!!!!!!!!


Completely Boxer Crazy
I'm so sorry to hear about your little Mork. Harley and Hunter will take care of you until you're back on your feet. They are amazing when it comes to emotions. I hope your dad is doing better, too. Everything seems to come at once. Take care. Hugs and kisses from Indy and Beauty.

Indy-Neutered, Natural, Fawn, Flashy-10/6/98
Beauty-Spayed,Cropped, Fawn, Black Mask-9/20/94; Adopted from rescue in New Orleans
Shiloh-10/18/85 to 10/14/98; Waiting for me at the Bridge


Boxer Booster
I am so very sorry about your loss of Mork. I lost my first "baby" last year to cancer too, and putting him down was so hard. I only thing that comforted me is that I knew he would no longer hurt. And Tedjax is so right-your boxer babies will take extra special care of you during this time. They are so intune with our emotions! I hope you have a good weekend!


[This message has been edited by Eva (edited 08-11-2000).]


Boxer Insane
My deepest sympathies for losing Mork (what a cute name). Was that Robin Williams' Mork?

Glad your boxers are there to help cheer you up. :)


Boxer Pal
I offer my condolences to you and your family. Isn't it so true how boxers compensate and make us feel better? I lost my first puppy, and that led me to my boxer pup. I couldn't have found a more perfect companion. He mad a difficult time seem a bit easier.
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