Question RE: dog parks and dominance

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Why does Debo keep getting picked on at the park? Because he's a puppy? Will he grow out of it? Is there anything I can do to encourage his confidence. He doesn't get picked on by any other dogs, just the unneutered males. Will this stop when he's neutered? He's confident in any other situation and even with other dogs in positive situations, but I have yet to see him "come out on top" even with the 6 month old lab/rottie mix - he keeps up with her, and is just about even.

I understand he is still a puppy (7 months - gosh almost 8 months)... don't get me wrong, I don't want him to be a mean dog but I just want him to be more confident.
What are your opinions????

Debo's Mom
Brindle, male, nat. ears

[This message has been edited by Badassboxer (edited 08-15-2000).]
My boy didn't start asserting himself until he was a bit over one. Now, I have to be careful of who he plays with. These are NOT dogs that are wimpy and will take crap from other dogs. He'll soon mature and prove to you that he is a tough dog. When he does, you'll see a side of him you won't like much, so enjoy this time for now.
Jennifer :)

Pharaoh/Fawn/Black Mask
Born 9-8-96


Here you can see the Boxerwold REG's with their families and dogs


Boxer Booster
Since dogs are pack animals the older dogs always have to show the younger ones their place in the pack. The younger the dog the lower they are in the pack. They probably put him on his back since that is a sign of submission. As your dog gets older and becomes a member of the dog park "pack" he will begin to show his dominance over dogs younger than he is. It looks worse than it is, as long as he's not getting hurt. We are all mama bears when it comes to our boxer cubs and we just want to get right in there and help them assert themselves.

I remember a Golden puppy that came to the dog park. This poor thing spent the entire time on his back. Every time he got up he'd go racing back into the big dogs again and BAM! over on his back he'd go. It got so bad that he would roll over before anyone would touch him, he was so used to it. LOL

Rocky's Mom
4 yr old white, natural ears, cropped tail


Boxer Booster
Jake is so clueless. When I take him to a dog park he just completely misses the other dogs' dominance and/or aggressive clues in his quest for fun. Even if another dog stomps its feet and growls Jake just tries to get it to play. Play! Play! Play! That's all he ever thinks about.

Suzanna - Mom to Jake, 2 year old fawn male, floppy ears, docked tail


Boxer Booster
I am just the oppsosite! Sometimes I wish Major would roll over on his back and back down some! But no way! You should actually feel lucky that he doesn't start anything. Major is REALLY bad about the dominance thing. He gets really nasty with other bigger male dogs. I have to avoid other dogs and can't even go to the park! Doesn't matter if they roll over for him, he still freaks out. I am hoping that this will change when he gets neutured (next week!)

Major-4/10/00, red fawn male, black mask, white bib, white paws, natural ears, docked, STINKER!


Completely Boxer Crazy
I think Debo will assert himself too when he's ready. Indy is afraid of his shadow and he's almost 2. Any loud noise or sudden movement and he freaks. All this to say that when Beauty first came to us he was always being grabbed by the neck and thrown on his back - even though he was much bigger than she. Now, she still dominates him a little, but when he gets tired of her growling and barking at him, he bites her ear! He hasn't gotten her on her back (unless she wants to roll over), but she backs off. They got into a major scrap the other night over a rawhide and I did not like the way he sounded. It really hurt Beauty's feelings. I put the bone up and a few minutes later, Indy went over to Beauty and started licking her on the face and mouth. She felt much better then!

Indy-Neutered, Natural, Fawn, Flashy-10/6/98
Beauty-Spayed,Cropped, Fawn, Black Mask-9/20/94; Adopted from rescue in New Orleans
Shiloh-10/18/85 to 10/14/98; Waiting for me at the Bridge
A lot of the way Debo acts is a reflection of his personality. Brutus is very dominant but Amaya is one of the most submissive dogs I have met. I don't think either will change. Debo may become more confident with age. Like my trainer said "some dogs are born leaders and some aren't".

Brutus & Amayas Mom
Brutus 9/23/99 Flashy Fawn
Amaya 3/22/00 Flashy Brindle


I think that Brutus and Amaya's mom has hit it dead on. I believe that whether or not your dog is aggressive has alot to do with their overall personality, not their particular breed. When we first took Harley to the leash-free park about 3 or 4 months ago he started out being hyper, charging at other dogs big or small. He didn't differentiate between agressive, passive, adult dog or pup. Now, we noticed that, when a puppy enters the park, Harley runs up, sniffs it and backs off. Almost like he knows that the puppy is too small for him to play with. He, also, doesn't demonstrate any aggressiveness, preferring to just play with any dog that's willing. He even sticks his nose into the middle of a face-off between aggresive dogs and tries to get them to play. Having said all of this, I just really believe that, like people, no two boxers are totally alike even though they have extremely similar behaviour traits, they each have an individual personality.


Interesting because Debo is a very mellow dog! He doesn't jump when he sees me like some dogs, he just wiggles everywhere, and he flips over for a belly rub!

The cats boss him around (but they're so fun to chase!) But they can stop him whenever, maybe he's just going to have to be my little "mama's boy"!

I guess, I'll just have to get a second Boxer! (heh-heh-heh!)

thanks for all the replies, I can feel better at the park now and know that it's just a "dog thang"! :)

Debo's Mom
Brindle, male, nat. ears
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