puppy won't poo outside

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Boxer Pal
I previously posted this in the behavioral forum, but think it better to post it in here...What can you do for a puppy that won't poo outside? She has the peeing thing down, she has even started to sit down at the back door when she needs to go out. No matter how long she is outside, she comes inside and 10 minutes later I smell it and am off to clean up another pile. Does any one have any suggestions as to how to break her of this? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks In Advance,


Boxer Insane
Are you watching her when she comes back inside? Until she's potty trained, you have to watch her 100% of the time. As soon as she leaves the room, follow her. Most likely you will then be able to catch her in the act. Do not scold her, but pick her up, say something like "Oops! Let's go outside" and take her outside to finish her business. Then praise her like crazy. She'll catch on. We've been having the opposite problem w/ Tyson. He knows to go poo outside, but once in awhile will have a pee accident inside (mostly when my husband is watching him, go figure)
Hope this helps!


Boxer Pal

Thanks so much for your help...I'll try your idea and keep you posted on her progress...I'm also gonna try really special treats as "poo outside" treats and see if that helps...



Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
You could also try tethering her to you, with her leash, so she can't wander off and poo when you are not looking. That way you help but notice when she get restless and start sniffing and can quickly take her outside. You could also try putting her in her crate for 10 minutes or so and then take her out again. It will take awhile for you to get to know you puppy and to learn what her schelule is. :)

Good luck.


Boxer Booster
I hate to say this....

But when I first got Cooper (he was my first) I knew nothingsmashicon poor little guy had to teach me the ropes.
Well, when I took him out to go potty he would go pee and run in.....then poop on the floor. Well, when I finally caught on to this, I still allowed him to run inside so he thought he got his way but within a few minutes of coming in I would pick him up and carry him outside and put him in the grass...he learned real quick as I praised him once he started going poo outside in the yard.
And to this day (He is 6 yrs old now) after I let him out to go pee, he runs back into the house, checks in with me and goes back out to poop in the yard. But that is how he was trained, my fault as I didn't know then what I know now.
I agree though, you now know what he does and when he does it so just be prepared that with in a few minutes of coming back in he is gonna have to go poo...especially after eating.

Good luck and remember to praise, praise and praise as it really does work.


Boxer Booster
We are still tryig to break Ali of this issue!:LOL: I fear that now that things are cooling off it is going to get worse! but she always does hers in the morning!She pees great out side appicon but comes right in and ten minutes later poops! The thing is we praise her so much for going pee and she gets so excited she forgets about the other! Persistance seems to be the name of the game no mater what smashicon I think when she gets it right for a week we will have a party fiestaicon beericon
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Boxer Pal
Sounds like my baby...

That sounds soooo much like my baby. She goes outside and pees and she gets praised and then she thinks that she's done and heads back into the house, completely "forgetting" to poo...today she didn't have any poo accidents...I took her out, she peed, we came inside and 5 minutes later I noticed her doing a lot of sniffing of the carpet and back outside she went...you would have thought she called me by name with all the praise she got...she loved the attention and began kidney beaning through the whole house...it was great...thanks to everyone for their advice...
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