Puppy twitching while asleep

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Super Boxer
Owen does this all the time! He's sometimes is very vocal also, barking and whimpering. He did it last night and it woke me and my husband up b/c he was practically shaking the whole bed! :)

Steven Menk

Super Boxer
This reminds me about what happened about 2 weeks ago. It was the middle of the night and I was sound asleep. Suddenly a noise woke me. It was Cosworth growling one of his meaner growls and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. Not a very comfortable situation. I reached over and turned on the lamp.

Cosworth was sound asleep on his side with his head on the edge of my pillow dreaming about who knows what. I said his name, and he openned his eyes. I gave him a pet, turned out the light, and went back to sleep.

Stacy W.

Boxer Booster
LOL- Shelby (2 yrs old) does this all the time! She scares me sometimes because it almost looks like she is having seizures. But I will softly call her name and gently touch her side and she will wake up and look at me like "what do you want now, I was trying to sleep".


Boxer Pal
My little furbaby does it we have come to the conclusion he is chasing rabbits. Cause it looks like he is running on his side and he barks to. If you wake him while he is doing it he looks lost. (kinda like were the crud did you come from. )
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