Puppy question...

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Boxer Pal
Hi. I will be getting a beautiful fawn female boxer in about 3 weeks. She will be then 8 weeks of age. The breeder said that for the first night or two, I should let the puppy sleep with me in order to bond with her, I guess. I have read where this might not be such a good idea but he only said for the first night or two. Anyone have any thoughts on this? This will be my first puppy since I was a kid and I want it to be a good experience for me and the puppy.
Also, are runts of the litter harder to train than the other littermates?


Super Boxer
If you let her sleep in your bed with you, you will never get her to go to bed in her crate...I don't think it is necessary to let her sleep in your bed to bond with her.

What we did is Angus slept in our room, in his crate, next to the bed. If he was anxious in the night I could put my hand down and comfort him.

Besides, 8 wk old puppies have teeny-weeny bladders and will rarely soil their own bed, but YOUR bed is fair game. Puppies need, thrive and crave structure...same times eating, going out, and sleeping. The more structure you provide her, the better off both of you will be in the long run.

Good Luck and Congrats!

Leezah & Angus :)


Boxer Booster
One night, two nights...one year, 2 years!! Ha! Once in bed with you, I think always in bed with you! If you don't want this, I suggest you start with crate training..its not easy, and they will cry the first couple of nights, but she will get used to it. My Morgan, weighs 68 lbs, and she has been in my twin bed since she was 6 weeks old. Guess who gets most of bed?! I don't think the runt of the litter will be any harder to train.

Sabrina Jay

Boxer Insane
If you put the puppy in the bed with you on the first night, plan on having a *bed pal* for several years!! LOL

I would recommend a crate, next to your bed, like the others recommended. At least until she gets a little bit older.

Just remember, *usually* once they start sleeping with you, you won't get them back out of the bed. (grin)

When my puppies go to their new homes, they new owners are supplied with several different items (toys, collar, food, notebook with various information, shot information booklet, etc), but I also send them home with a *smelly* receiving blanket....with INSTRUCTIONS NOT TO WASH IT for a few days. It has the *litter-mates* smells on the blanket, and can help make the first few nights easier.

Good luck with your new puppy!!

Sabrina Jay JeSaJay's Boxers


Boxer Pal
I agree 100% with everyone else. I got my puppy from Sabrina Jay & the only thing I can add is, no matter how much they cry, scream or wail, DO NOT let them out of the crate until they are quite. You CAN ignore them longer then they can cry. If you let them out while they are making a racket, they will think that is their ticket out of the crate. I had a few nites where I thought I was going to sleep in the truck, she screamed so darn much but I didn't let her out.


Sabrina Jay

Boxer Insane

I bet Deby was ready to KILL me for placing a Stella with her!!

Dormo: Its a personal choice you have to make from day one...whether to let the pup sleep with you or not. Just remember if you do, that more than likely, you will not get the dog back out of bed at a later date.

All of ours have slept with us, and still do.
We have a doggy bed in our bedroom, and 1 or 2 of them start out on the floor, usually. But by morning, everyone is in bed with us.

Sabrina Jay JeSaJay's Boxers


Boxer Insane
We've never wanted the dogs in our bed, so I spent the first 2 nights with Bailey sleeping on the floor with her. :p
When she'd go to sleep, I'd put her in the box and sneak back into bed. Within 30 minutes she'd be whining again. Not wanting her to wake everyone else up, I'd go back on the floor with her.

It wasn't long before I bought a crate. :)

Good luck with your puppy!
I noticed you're from Seattle--we'll be there this weekend.

Remy -DOB 6/2/92; white male w/brindle patches;
Bailey - DOB 10/16/99; flashy brindle female
Shannon - 1992?-12/7/99 Flashy fawn; We miss her!
I say start her in the crate and Later if you want to let her sleep with you

Cindy Corl
Lacie female, brindle, natural ears,7-17-99
Brutus started in bed with us but due to dominance issues he had we had to crate him for awhile. Bru is one of those dogs that thinks the bed is his and he owns the house. We have been slowly letting him back in the bedroom after his obedience training. My trainer told us that his rotties sleep with him but they didnt when they were pups learning their place in the house.

Amaya is still sleeping in her crate. Partially becuase two dogs in the bed is a lot of dogs and partially because she likes to get up in the night and wander.

I agree...crate now to avoid issues and help teach the dog. You always allow out later but it is hard to crate if they are not used to it.

Brutus & Amayas Mom
Brutus 9/23/99 Flashy Fawn
Amaya 3/22/00 Flashy Brindle

Little Vera

:p My husband will forever blame me for the backaches that I wake up with from sleeping in contorted positions. The reason being, Vera likes to take up my side of the bed. It is my own fault that I am plagued by this problem, you see I brought her into the bed the first night and she's been sleeping there ever since. I say that if you don't mind possibly living with a chronic backache like me, let them in, if not, don't. :) Once you start though, they can never be broken of the bed.

Andrea, Tim, and "Viti Voo" Tway
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