Puppy does her duty in WRONG place..

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Boxer Pal
My Ginger has decided that she wont step on the grass in the morning when its cold, or wet, or if it is foggy, or raining, etc... she has decided that instead she will potty on my patio! She knows this is bad behavior and will not do it when I am looking but as soon as a turn my back she potties on the doorstep.If I leave her outside while I am at work she will also do her other duty on the patio. Our housing has very strict rules about this sort of thing and I have recieved notices about her inappropriate behavior ( we are required to keep short fences because of appearances and anyone walking by can see the evidence scattered about!)How do I convince her to go on the lawn instead of my doorstep!!??

Sabrina Jay

Boxer Insane
The first step in housebreaking.......you MUST take the pup (or dog) out on a leash to the area YOU want the pup (or dog) to go. You must do this until they know WHERE they suppose to go. You can not expect them to know the deck or porch is not the appropriate place to relieve themselves.

Good luck.

Sabrina Jay JeSaJay's Boxers


Boxer Pal
Actually a combination of events have lead to this problem. Until recently Ginger has always gone on the lawn without fail...we thought this was the well established location. But about 3 weeks ago the weather turned ( fall finally got here ) and we discovered that our baby has an aversion to rain, cold, fog, wet grass. This still would not have been a problem...but my husband left on business for several weeks so Ginger is now left at home alone during the day. I felt badly about leaving her kenneled all night and then all day so I put her out during the day while I was at work. This is when the problem began. The grass is cold and wet in the morning so she will not step on it, and since my husband or I am not there she doesnt even attempt it; she simply goes on the patio. I have gone back to kenneling her while I am at work ( she actually has an 8' X 10' room to herself ) but I dont like her being kooped up all day as well as all night. Now the behavior is established and she goes there all the time.


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
I think you need to go back to square one, and take her out on a leash to where you want her to go and praise like crazy when she goes in the right spot. You also might try feeding her on the patio as they usually won't go where they are fed.

Is there anyway you can hide where she can't see you, but you can see her. Then when you catch her in the act, you can startle her with a shake can or something along those lines.

You could also get her boots, so she can keep her tootsies dry and a coat for when it is raining. LOL

Good luck,

Markus, dark brindle
neutered male, 6 yrs old

Sabrina Jay

Boxer Insane
Don't feel bad about leaving her in an 8x10 room during the day!! That is alot more room than a crate, and you are still keeping her *safe* & your house safe. You might try letting her sleep in your room at night. Not necessarily on the bed, but just in your room. Can you move her crate into your bedroom? That way she does have *contact* with you during the night.

Sabrina Jay JeSaJay's Boxers


Super Boxer
I agree. Go back to taking her out on a leash directly to where you want her to go. If she doesn't want to go on the grass when it is wet, too bad. She will probably resist -- don't allow it. Just keep walking. It might drag her a little and she might cry a little, but she will get the idea that you are not stopping and come with you. Praise her when she does her business.

We are getting into the cold months. You have to get this taught to her now, or your winter isn't going to be very fun. You will be stuck having to move or get rid of her. Don't let this dog own you.

Tom C
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