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Boxer Buddy
In the time that it took me to get up answer the door and come back to the living room, Zoey ate my peanuts. I've tried a search here and on the web and have found that macadamia nuts are not good for dogs. Has anyone heard of dry roasted peanuts being bad? She appears fine but this has just happened.


Completely Boxer Crazy
i was wondering that too my boxers ate some outside that were out thier for the birds.. they didnt get sick but threr was peanuts in thier poop....



Boxer Insane
No worries!

I wouldn't worry too much. Ideally you do not want your Boxer to take in too much salt, but peanuts every one in a while are fine. I give Tae peanut butter (small amount) in her kong at least 1-2 times/week. In fact, peanut butter is very popular with doggies. While some do not care for it, many love it. I try to buy a peanut butter that is low in sodium and sugar. Oh, I should also mention there are many varieties of peanut butter flavored dog treats.


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
As feeding peanut butter is fine, I would assume the peanuts are as well. How many did he eat?


Boxer Buddy
I had them in a small cup and had eaten some already so I'm guessing not many, but she did leave me two :) I worry so much about what she eats as I fed her a rawhide "treat" once and she almost died. It's now 5:14 am, and I'm guessing that if God forbid, something were to have happened, it would of by now and she is just fine.

Thanks again

Take Care
C :)


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
I'm sure she will be fine! Tell Zoey it will serve her right if she gets a tummy ache for worrying her mommy like that. :LOL:


Boxer Buddy
As always, I worry and everything is ok. Peanuts came out the other way, now she is just back to being a fuss budget about her food b/c I fell 'slave' :)as I have been told by others here and has started to turn her nose up at her food unless it has chicken juice on it. AHHHHH but I would have her no other way.....................

Thanks everyone
Take Care
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