peanut butter??

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Boxer Booster
I have seen several times on here where different owners have given their dogs peanut butter. Is this good to be giving them? I know they like it and enjoys the time it takes get off of thier mouths. It just seems so sticky. I was just wondering about it getting stuck in their throats? Am I just and over protective mom depriving my dog of some yummy treat?


Boxer Booster
We have given Madison peanut butter every day in her kong since she was 8 weeks old. She enjoys it too much, we can't have peanut butter without giving some to her!
As for it getting stuck in their throats I am not sure... I haven't heard of it before. I could see maybe if it was a real thick one (like the all natural kind) but I think it wouln't be likely to happen...


Super Boxer
Oscar loves his peanut butter. I have been giving him PB since I got him I put it in his Kong with some of his kibble. I made the mistake of giving it to him at first when I couldn't put water in his kennel because he spilled it everywhere, the poor baby drank a whole bowl of water when I got home. And it is pretty yucky cleaning out his kong with peanut butter stuck on the inside . So we reserve it for once a week now.
Mom of Lilly and Oscar


Boxer Insane
Ronin craves for it too. I put a dab of PB on his nose when I trim his nails(which he HATES) It keeps him nice and busy trying to lick it off so that I can clip his nails without him trying to yank his paw away :rolleyes:

AZ Boxer Boys

Boxer Insane
Peanut butter works great when you're trying to give them medicine. We wrap the pill in a small piece of bread with peanut butter on it. It works great, they don't even know they're eating medicine!

I've never tried this, but I hear it works great. When giving them a bath in the tub, just put a glob on the side of the tub and they are so focused on eating the peanut butter they don't mind the bath!



Boxer Booster
I like the bath tub suggestion. I will have to try this. I know when we have to clip Joe's nails, I will put a scoop on a spoon and I'll hold his attention with the peanut better while Daddy does the mean stuff... Otherwise, Joe cries like a baby when getting his nails cut. I have never heard of it being harmful to them. I've always heard good things about it.


Boxer Booster
Mine love peanut butter too. I fill the choo hooves with it on occasion or drop a blob into their bowls to let them lick it off.


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
A little peanut butter everyday won't hurt them. I wouldn't stuff a kong full of it. You need to put some other stuff in as well. You can put in part of their kibble, fruit, yogurt etc. Just make sure you dog like PB first. Markus hated PB and I couldn't understand why he wasn't interested in a Kong with PB in it. It took me a long time to realize that it was the peanut butter that he didn't like, not the Kong. :rolleyes: :LOL:
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