Our new puppy Roxie


Super Boxer
We did the same thing when started leaving Rocky in the house alone. Short bouts of time to start and increased from there. We ALWAYS take him for potty before we leave. We also have a pet gate up that blocks half of the house. He has a bed, tons of toys and windows to look out. We keep the front blinds up because he likes to look out that one the most. We also leave some music on low...not sure if that makes a difference or just makes us feel better, but we do it anyway. Good luck! Let us know how she gets along with her new freedom.


Boxer Booster
My goodness she is cute! I'm so sorry to hear about your almost break in, that is so scary. We put a "beware of dog" on our rv gate and I'm pretty sure her bark scares most people that don't know her who come to the door.

LoveMyDoggie's ideas about puppy proofing are right, even if its just to get her use to being there alone. When we first started leaving our Roxy home alone, oh boy did she chew. She chewed a hole through our bed and sofas...so I did start closing the doors to the bedroom, etc. until she reached about 2 or 3. Ah the days of a youngster. That dollar bill picture summed up our puppy experience.


Boxer Pal
Well..... it pains me to say this. But Roxie is not going to make it to 10 years of age. We just found out that her kidneys are failing and she is dying. Over 4 years ago, she was diagnosed with kidney disease. She got very sick and spent a while in the ER. Doctors told us we would have to give her sub q fluids every day and that she would probably only get another year. We were so shocked because we were talking about our only 5 year old dog. That we have always fed quality organic foods etc. She ended up defying those odds and ended up NOT needed daily fluids, in fact, she never needed fluids unless she was sick. But she was put on strict prescription kidney food diet. She has lived with that for around 4 years now. Also dealing with 5 bouts of bad pancreatitis, but always recovered with medication etc.

Well about 2 weeks ago, she started showing signs of pancreatitis again. Promptly got her into the vet, got her pancreatitis meds.... but this time, she didn't recover. The 10 days of pancreatitis meds were gone and she was no better (maybe worse). We got her back into the vets and they re-ran her kidney levels. And they reported the bad news to us..... her kidneys are failing and she is in end stage. One of her levels was so high, the machine wouldn't read it, the others had doubled in just 10 days. They wouldn't prescribe her anymore pancreatitis meds because they said that it wouldn't matter at this point. They said that we just need to keep her comfortable as she goes. They sent us home with pain meds. We are so heart broken. She won't make it long. She's lost so much weight and is basically just bones. Very lethargic. Not wanting to eat, and usually needs help to stand up. Poor girl is only 9 years old.

We now have a 3 1/2 year old daughter that loves her and a 1 year old son. My son, won't know what's going on. But, my daughter will.

My wife and I are still trying to process it all.

I realize that all her puppy photo links have been broken. I will post some good / happy photos of her when I can get to a computer. For now, she's still hanging in. But we're gonna have to make the hard choice very soon. :(


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
I am so sorry you got such bad news! Sending lots of positive vibes your way. -------->>>>>>