Tessie & Buttercup are 2 beautiful Boxer girls, their pics. in the park are really pretty! Did you get Tess from a shelter or rescue in Tn.,she really is lucky too have been adopted by such a caring Mom & Dad. LOL,Hanley
thanks ya'll - i love her toothy grin too we have been trying to get a pic of it for a long time but she always puts it away before getting the camera and taking a pic - but i got her here
we actually didn't rescue her from and specific place. we have some friends who loved buttercup so they were gonna get a boxer and they got her from some person they knew who got her from a shelter or somewhere like that. he said that he was her 3rd home and that the people before him abused her - he had her for 3 days untill he decided he couldn't help her out-so our friends took her and kept her for a few days and decided they couldn't help either (all she would do is sit in a corner and hide) so they were going to give her back to this guy and he was just going to turn her loose on the mountain and let fend for herself! i couldn't handle that so my husband and i went and picked her up and she has been with us now for a year and a half and is doing wonderful!! it took a long time to get her to quit hiding in the corners.
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