New job offer.... what should I do?

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I like my current job but there aren't any opportunities for me to advance for the next 10-15 years (retirements). I really would like to move up. I like my current job because I get every other friday off (in addition to every weekend), the job is extremely easy, close to home (5 miles; I come home for lunch), and I enjoy most of the people.

I've been applying for several positions at San Diego State University for the past 18 months (I've been on 3 interviews with them). I want to work there because my brother in law used to work there and loved it, their advancement opportunities are VAST, they are still relatively close to home (within 7 miles) and I really need a challenge at this point in my life. I can transfer all my retirement benefits since they are in the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS). I pretty much have decided that the next job I get is the job I want to retire from so this next decision needs to be "it" for me.

Earlier this week SDSU offered me my coveted job; a much better position with a 20% increase in pay and identicial benefits as my current job. So what's wrong?
I'm afraid to leave my current job. I'm comfortable there. My stomache has been in knots ever since they offered me the position, I wake up in the middle of the night with stomache pain. I know it is stress.

Do I stay where I'm comfortable with no opportunity for advancement? (I went up for a promotion at my current job that I was well-qualified for in January and was passed over; all my co-workers knew I should have gotten the position). I am so apprehensive! And scared. Everyone says I should be excited but I'm not. What would you do?


Ruby- Flashy Fawn, Black Mask,Cropped, 5/1998


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
I would go for it. You might regret it if you don't.

Markus, dark brindle
neutered male, 6 yrs old


Boxer Booster
Elsa, I would go for it!!!!!

No matter where the jog is or what it is doing you are going to be a nervous wreck about taking as you are comfortable where you are. If this position is something you think you would enjoy doing, go for it. You really have nothing to lose.


Brody--6/99 Male neutered. Very handsome brindle.


Do you want to see yourself in the same ole' position 5 years from now doing the same thing with the same people drinking from the same coffee cup? Girl, I say GO FOR IT! You only live once! Then in five years you can have a new job with opportunity with new people and if you like, you can keep the same coffee cup!!!

:D :D :D


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Badassboxer:
Do you want to see yourself in the same ole' position 5 years from now doing the same thing with the same people drinking from the same coffee cup?

:D :D :D

That's funny how you put it; I had to ask myself that same question. The people I work with now are VERY conservative and I am sooo opposite. I get along with everyone, I just don't fit their "mold". And if I stayed, I would be in the same position. In five years and in ten years. Thanks for the insight everyone.


Ruby- Flashy Fawn, Black Mask,Cropped, 5/1998

[This message has been edited by Elsa (edited 10-26-2000).]


Boxer Insane
Elsa - I know how you feel: every time I changed a job in my life I had the same feeling in my stomach. It's all only fear and uncertainty because you have to quit a permanent 'comfortable' position for a new one, and you don't know what people are there, what relations are and what there is in future waiting for you. But please, please go for it. It will take you only a couple of weeks to get used to your new job and you'll feel the same comfortable as you feel now where you are. And benefits! If you don't take this position you will regret. Come on, that's the position you dreamt about! Don't miss this opportunity.
Best of luck :)

Tina - fawn, natural ears, born September 1996; sweetie and cutie


Boxer Booster
Go for it Elsa. It sounds like it would be great. You owe it to yourself to give yourself this opportunity.


Boxer Booster
Sieze the job!!
I would probly go to the new job. you are a nice gal, you will make friends fast.!! And remember we are all behind you!!

Derek-rainbow bridge at 14 and 1/2
Tyler-rainbow bridge at 10 months
Currently dogless


Boxer Booster
Go for it girl. Taking a new job is always scary when your "comfortable" where your at. You only go around once in this life, so grab the "brass ring", you'll do just fine.

Pat: Morgans Mom
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