Neat Junk Mail ???

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Boxer Booster
I can say this is the first time I enjoyed a piece of junk mail!!! I received an advertisement from a Chevy dealer and on the front of it was a lightly brindled boxer, semi-flashy, uncropped ears, with a pitch black mask. He had a dog bone treat ballanced on his muzzle with a quote "Sink Your Teeth Into This" on the page...was just wondering if this was the dealerships owners dog? Just thought this was kind of neat!!
Brightened my day!

Little Vera

Hey Jenny,

Too bad you couldn't scan it and post it! I would love to see it, and I am sure others would too! It sounds really cute. :)


Boxer Booster
Picture Available

In regards to your reply. I added a web page to show you!!! If you go to my web site and scroll down to links... the bottom one on the right "Boxer In Ad" has the picture for you. It took a little work but I really liked it!

Little Vera


Thanks so much for posting it! :D It sure is cute, and I'll bet that it is the owner's dog too. How neat! I appreciate that you went to all the trouble to post it on your website, and it is a good addition to it. Baxter looks like a sweetie too!


Boxer Insane
Jenny, the photo is very good, I can just imagine trying to get Sergeant to do that :LOL: he would give one toss and eat the biscuit! Your web site is fantastic, I really enjoyed looking at the photos, I liked the one where Baxter has his chin on the stool.
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