My babies are chipped, but Clyde has bump to remove

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Bxrlvr in KC

Boxer Booster
Just got home from the vet.
Both babies are microchipped (AVID)! Yeah! Went very well!

I had the vet look at a small mole-type bump (smaller than a pencil eraser) on Clyde's back. She thought it was not a cyst, but just a mole. However, being that he's a Boxer she wants to be aggressive with it and remove it. Have him scheduled for next week. Asked her to try to do it with a local rather than a general after reading everyone's comments ( ).

Any thoughts?


Mom to:
Clyde - Flashy fawn male, natural ears, 3/28/98
Cricket - Beautiful rescued black mutt, 1/98


Boxer Pal
just want to tell you that you and your boxer baby will be in my thoughts and prayers! hagen had a cyst removed from the back of his leg about two months ago and it turned out to be a hystiocytoma (sp?) thank goodness! i know your baby will be fine! oh and i love your icon! it is too cute :)

semi-flashy fawn male
spoiled rotten :)

[This message has been edited by dustie (edited 08-09-2000).]

Bxrlvr in KC

Boxer Booster
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dustie:
just want to tell you that you and your boxer baby will be in my thoughts and prayers! hagen had a cyst removed from the back of his leg about two months ago and it turned out to be a hystiocytoma (sp?) thank goodness! i know your baby will be fine! oh and i love your icon! it is too cute :)


Thanks so much for the thoughts and prayers. What is a hystiocytoma?


Mom to:
Clyde - Flashy fawn male, natural ears, 3/28/98
Cricket - Beautiful rescued black mutt, 1/98


Boxer Buddy
Tango had a histeocytoma on one of his toes. It is a benign tumor. His got very large and infected, but the vet refused to take it off. She finally put him on antibiotics for the infection and it is almost completely gone. They are not pretty, but supposedly are not dangerous either. He also had a small bump come up on his back by his hip. It didn't have any hair in it and one vet said it was a mole. Turns out his regular vet looked at it and it was a s***scretious gland, forget the technical term. I guess it's kinda like a zit for a dog in a way?!? Anyway she popped it and the hair grew back and it hasn't came back :) Maybe that's all it is, that is a minor thing.

Kody, 2yr old blonde/blue skin kid
Tango, 15 mo flashy brindle boy, cropped, docked and neutered
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