Living Space

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Boxer Pal
I am fixing to get a boxer in a couple of months and was wondering about living space. If I live in a 1 bedroom 1 bath apartment with that be enough room for my baby? I will take him running with all time. I just don't want him to be cramed when I am gone. I have never had a boxer before so I have no idea. Any help would be great.


Boxer Pal
What is important to a boxer is that they are able to share your home with you and be close. As long as you are able to provide the much needed exercise daily outdoors I do not see a problem with a boxer in your apartment. I live in a small two bedroom duplex bungalow and I had two boxers here and all was fine. I now only have 1 but intend to add a second one to our family in the future. (Near future I am hoping) Kailee gets plenty of outdoor exercise daily, and is very content when she is indoors. Good luck on your future boxer puppy!!


Boxer Insane
I agree. What your boxer will need is to be with you adn to get attention and love from you. If you are going to take him/her for long runs/walks daily, that will be enough. Size of an apartment/house is not that important.
Best of luck :)


Boxer Insane
I agree that space isn't as much of an issue as the time you can spend with them and the amount of exercise they get. I have to stress though that a tired boxer is a happy boxer. We learned this the hard way and had to almost rebuild our house from the ground up due to destruction when Lexi was a pup!! Exercise, Exercise, Excercise is the key.


Your Friendly Moderator
I live in a 1 bedroom apartment, 3 flight walk up in New York City (believe me, they are NOT big apartments). I have TWO boxers and we do just fine. We also go to the park every day, twice a day for exhaustive exercise and play. They seem to have plenty of room in the apartment and don't feel cramped at all.

I on the other hand need a bigger bed, bigger couches and bigger chairs since my girls have taken over all of the furniture in the house as their own personal thrones!! Boxers! You gotta love 'em! :D

Alisha Mobley

Boxer Insane
I agree with the above. Our house is about 1100 sq ft. It's me, my husband, our 2 kids, 3 grown Boxer, fish, and our newest addition Jade, our Iguanna. Cozy isn't the word for it. Seeing how all the above spends 98% of their at home waking hours in the kitchen and living room we are always stepping over or walking around someone. If your worried about cramped when your not at home it's not a big deal. Mine were always crated while unsupervised and at night. Tyson still is but Pru and Sheeba have earn the right to be gated in the kitchen while unsupervised (although they are walking on thin ice). It wouldn't matter if you lived in a mantion your Boxer would still be where ever you are. They really enjoy being with their people family. I guess you could say they are more of an "in your face" kinda dog.

Since this is your first Boxer I would recommend much research on the breed if you haven't already. It's much easier to know what you are getting before you get it. Although a Boxer puppy is the cutest thing in the world they can be very nerve wracking. It's better to know what to do before you need to do it.;)

Good Luck and enjoy your new puppy.:)


Boxer Booster
I agree with everyone here. The amount of space really doesn't matter. You could be on a 300 acre farm but the dog will be where you are. Boxers are family dogs. They love the companionship of their pack/family. I too live in NYC and can relate to Dan, apartments here aren't that big. I'm in a 1 bedroom, 1 bath, 750 sq ft apartment with my wife and our boxer boy Logan will arrive this Sunday (WOOHOO!!!). So as long as you give enough excercise (I think at least 1 hour of play/walk, correct me if I'm wrong guys) everything should be fine.

And as Alisha said, do your research if you haven't already.

Good luck and keep us posted.



Completely Boxer Crazy
We have a smallish home with a small fenced yard and that is just fine with Junior (and now Sammy!) Sometimes I think that Junior used to spend all day when were were gone, sleeping on the guest room bed! Now I think it is two boxers spread out all day! (Maybe an occasional dash outside to woof and tinkle :) )Just to repeat all the above posts, the key is to spend LOTS of time together. We always leave on lights and tv/radio when we are going out at night... the dark really upset them. Good luck! Also, you may want to find a rescue that is used to being in an apartment!
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