JoAnn how was your birthday dinner??

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Boxer Booster
Just wondering how everything when on your birthday ??

what ended up happening?

Derek-rainbow bridge at 14 and 1/2
Tyler-rainbow bridge at 10 months
Currently dogless


Boxer Pal
Hi! I know i'm not JoAnn but the B-Day dinner was great! even though it took an hour and 25 min. to get a table! lol but it was a good dinner!! :)


Super Boxer
Hi let me correct my daughter, the birthday dinner with MY parents went great, we all had a great time, as for the dinner with my mother in law, that never happened. I haven't even talked to her since. We also had another incident where she wanted to come over in the pouring rain and give me my gift, and I told her not to do that she didn't have to buy me anything, she took this as me not wanting her in my house, now she feels unwelcomed and unloved. My dad says I need to tell her how I feel about the whole situation, I just haven't been able to put it in to the right words. I know I have to call her and make amends for all of our sake. I really do care about my mother in law, we have always gotten along great, it is just the one sidedness that drives me nuts. I am just one of those people who never holds back on anything, when I am angry I let you know it, my husbands family is not like that, and I have been a bit hard to get use to.


Boxer Booster
If you don't hide your anger, don't hide your affections, apologies, concern etc either. Let her know that it is a misunderstanding, that you are sorry that she didn't hear your concern for her, that you were trying to protect her, that you wouldn't have your (fill in some relative of yours) visit under those weather conditions, that you want her to understand your true caring feelings. Something like that should start the healing.

Good luck. Families are wonderful and terrible.


Boxer Booster
I am NOT looking forward to in-laws.

She seems to take everything to heart. I do that too.
Maybe you too should sit down quitly together and have some tea and cookies, and just talk.

don't fret.

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