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Boxer Insane
We are getting our first snow right now!

We don't get a lot of snow here, so it's usually a big deal when we get any. The whole town shuts down--no school. :rolleyes:

The dogs don't seem too interested in it. Maybe if we get some accumulation they'll be more entertained. My kids, however, are sooooo excited and running around like crazy!! :D


Boxer Pal
It is snowing here too!!! As well as freezing rain. We are not too excited about it here, as we have had some snow already. All of our schools are closed so I have the day off of work. Too bad it wasn't a paid day off. Most of the cabs are off the roads now as they are experiencing transmission troubles due to dealing with all of the snow. "OH THE WEATHER OUTSIDE IS FRIGHTFUL!!!!"


Buddy--Born May 4 1993
Male Fawn
Cropped Ears
Our best friend and companion

Kailee--Female Brindle
Natural Ears
Born Oct. 16, 1998
Adopted by us October 27, 2000

Julie Davis

Boxer Insane
I'm so jealous! It's very rare to get snow here. It gets really cold at times, but hardly ever a chance of snow. I know it seems strange when you see that I'm from Florida, and I say that it gets cold. You're probably thinking, "yeah, right", but I live in the Northwest part of the state, and it routinely gets in the 20's and lower here in the winter. And we have had snow before, and it certainly gets cold enough for it, but the conditions just aren't favorable for snow in these parts.

Boomer, flashy fawn, 2/19/00, natural ears, docked tail, heart of gold
Brandy, yellow/white Beagle 1/00
Baxter, grey tabby, 3/96
Casey, Sue, Pierre, Mitzi, Tinker, Tanya, and Tessa waiting at the bridge, and always in my heart

Lava Linda

Completely Boxer Crazy
Hey, Buddy's mom,
Snow days are not paid leave? How do you manage when there are a lot of them in a row? Up goes the heating bill, and down goes the salary....

Have you seen the movie, Snowday? It's not a great movie, but the scenes of the school principal being pelted by snowballs all day long, everywhere he goes, are pretty darn funny!

We had snow here on December 28th, 1988. I remember because I had to work, and I was so mad!!! Everyone else was on vacation, so I HAD to do the job, and when I was done, I finally went outside and it had stopped snowing.... I got home to two excited boys and their dad, who had been "sledding" on the driveway. At least they got to enjoy it!

Linda, proud mother of:
Gilroy - 5 y.o. brindle male, natural ears, gentle as a lamb :)
Purdy - 5 y.o. spayed flashy brindle, natural ears and tongue
Michaela, Boss and Tonka, waiting at the bridge


Boxer Pal
Hi Linda,
That's right not paid leave, however it is very rare that we would have more than one maybe two days where things would be shut down. Besides if it was more than two days, with it being unpaid, I would make darn sure that somehow I got to work so that I didn't miss too much time. This was our first major snowfall of the season, so it is quite normal for the schools to close this time. With all of the snow and freezing rain, it takes the snow crews longer to get things cleared for the first time. I would suspect for the rest of the winter it is possible that buses will be cancelled, but the schools will stay open for the city kids who can get there. Since I am a cook in the cafeteria, as long as there is one kid in the school, I have to be there. I used to work at a government institution as a counsellor, and if a storm hit while we were on shift, we were considered grounded, and would have to stay until someone got in to take over our shift. It was nothing to spend 72 hours there before you could leave. We made great money though, time and one half for the first 8 hours after your regular shift, then double time and a half for the remainder of the time you were there. (No wonder the government closed these places down!)


Buddy--Born May 4 1993
Male Fawn
Cropped Ears
Our best friend and companion

Kailee--Female Brindle
Natural Ears
Born Oct. 16, 1998
Adopted by us October 27, 2000


Boxer Pal
You are sooooooo lucky!!!!!!!! the only time I had a white Christmas here was when I was 1 so I didn't remember anything of course!! but wanna hear sumthin strange!! 2 years ago it was Easter morning and I look out my window and its snowing! me and my brother were outside for hours!!! :D until I threw a snowball at him then we got mad at me and went inside! :p

Nikki's Mom

Boxer Booster
I would love to have snow...I mean a lot. Something rare here in GA. But I do remember back in '93 we were snowed in for almost a week...we had a real blizzard. I think it is time for another one.

Nikita (Nikki) - White female born 8/1/93


Boxer Buddy
*groans* Want snow?? You can have OUR snow!
Its been snowing alot here..I live right by Lake superior Duluth, MN/Superior,WI area(we can see dultuh and duluth can see us..just seperated by a bridge) and damnit that lake gives us more snow than I would like. I work at a dog kennel..each time I see the snow flakes start to fall a little part of me dies, LOL :D. Shoveling the dog kennels isnt fun let me tell you that...

Amy- Owner of a Brindle Male boxer, natural ears, docked tail born 8/28/00
Harley-mixed shep, Garcia & Rain-cats, Count-horsey, Fishy-fish


Super Boxer
Ahhhhh, white Christmas. Forget what it is like, my son has never had one. It'll probably be in the 70's on Christmas, one year it was in the 80's. I know, those of you in snow country would love it but it doesn't feel like Christmas.

Rambo- beagle mix waiting at the bridge 12/85-1/2000
Roxanne- beautiful brindle born 12-99
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