We lost our furbaby JEB to a brain tumor in November and decided not to get another dog right away. My husband and I both work 8-5 now, so a puppy probably wouldn't be for us right now. But lately we've been discussing trying to get a rescued boxer (maybe 1-2 years old with some housebreaking/training). I've looked at some applications online, and now I'm wondering if we could even qualify to get a dog! We live in an apartment and are gone most of the day (could come home at lunch for a walk, though), but I'm getting the impression that we would probably get turned down! Is there anyone out there with rescue experience (either on the rescue organization side or someone who has rescued a dog) that can give me some idea as to what they are looking for? We haven't decided yet if we're ready for this (JEB was a VERY BIG part of our lives) but I would like to know that when we are ready, rescue would be an option for us. Thanks.