Is he more Boxer or American Bulldog?

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Boxer Insane
Have to agree with the prior post....Looks all boxer to me....My Sasha has the same head and nose....and we also get asked if she is an american bulldog...but she is all boxer too!! He is a doll!


Boxer Insane
He looks all boxer to me. I think you are right about the flashy white mask. BTW, I love that fawn spot on top of his head - he is so cute!! - Cathy


Boxer Insane
All Boxer !!!!

Looks all Boxer to me,He looks just like my Susie girl & I think he is beautiful,people think my Susie is a Pit Bull & they ask, will she fight & I tell them only people. I know that is mean saying that,but I get sick at my stomach thinking about these sick perverted people fighting pitbulls, this is 1 breed of dog that has been really abused,& it makes me very sad when these dogs have to be destroyed, when it should be their owner! Hanley


Boxer Insane
He looks all boxer to me as well! I love the look on his face in the trouble maker pic! What a drama king Pete is! Give him a kiss from me! lovicon

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