Is anybody else an e-bay addict?

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Julie Davis

Boxer Insane
Ok, I admit it...I have a problem...I'm addicted to e-bay!! :) I have gotten the neatest stuff from there. I collect cows, and I've gotten lots of cute cow things. Also, hard to find CD's. My Mom is an avid bowler, and I found a bowling charm bracelet on there, and got it for her. And talk about boxer stuff....I've gooten ceramic boxer figurines, matted photos, etc. I even bought Boomer a brand new, still in the package extra large doggie sweater for $6! I am almost as addicted to e-bay as I am to Boxer World! Are there any other addicts out there besides me?

Boomer, flashy fawn, 2/19/00, natural ears, docked tail and Baxter the terrible tabby, 3/96

Bxrlvr in KC

Boxer Booster
I go in spurts. I've had to stay off with Christmas and everything, but I've gotten some great stuff there. My adorable Boxer address labels came from there!


Mom to:
Clyde - Flashy fawn male, natural ears, 3/28/98
Cricket - Beautiful rescued black mutt, 1/98


Guilty as charged! :D I'm a Beanie fanatic and visit ebay at least once a day. :o I don't often buy because I'm in Canada and everything is in American funds so pretty pricey once you pay the exchange and shipping. I just access the site, load up the Beanie page and sit there and drool. I want a Buckingham bear so badly but they're so expensive. Gotta wait til my ship comes in! :D

Boxer Baby: Harley - born 12/27/98 - adopted 1/08/2000 - docked tail/natural ears/neutered - full of pee & vinegar!

Lava Linda

Completely Boxer Crazy
In recovery.

I collect Breyer horses and boxer figurines, and I was in heaven until I figured out how much I was spending(!)
It really is addictive, and battling for the goods until the last minute is a rush like no other.
Nowadays I just drool, like Brenda. I drool over what I might buy, and how many millions I could make selling what I already own. One Breyer horse I've had since I was a kid sells regularly for >$85.
Fantasy is WAY better than reality, don't you agree? ;)


Linda, proud mother of:
Gilroy - 5 y.o. brindle male, natural ears, gentle as a lamb :)
Purdy - 5 y.o. spayed flashy brindle, natural ears and tongue
Michaela, Boss, Tonka, Maybe, Woof, Jack, Deacon, Casey, Crystal, Flo, Kimba and Poquito, waiting at the bridge.


Oh Man!!
I go there constantly!! I have bought so much stuff on Ebay. I think I only have like 16 feedbacks though, but all positive!

Its awesome. I have bought a Protected By Boxer Security sign on there, a beanie boxer, some boxer notecards, an old Milkbone ad from the 50s with a boxer on it, as well as house items, and my boyfriend's Christmas presents. So far I have saved over $120 on Craftsman tools for him. Awesome!!

Cindy, Mommy of:
12/25/99, brindle male, natural ears, docked tail, white "socks", chest, blaze.
7/27/00, flashy fawn female, natural ears, docked tail


Boxer Insane
I'm afraid to start visiting e-bay--especially after hearing all your stories. LOL :p

I can see myself getting addicted too.
Linda--I have a few Breyer horses from when I was a kid too! Where do you find the market prices for them now? E-bay? :)


Cindy, where did you find a boxer beanie? I didn't even know there was such a thing. I just started my collection about 2 months ago so am not really aware of all the Beanies that are available.

Boxer Baby: Harley - born 12/27/98 - adopted 1/08/2000 - docked tail/natural ears/neutered - full of pee & vinegar!


Boxer Insane
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brenda:
Cindy, where did you find a boxer beanie? I didn't even know there was such a thing. I just started my collection about 2 months ago so am not really aware of all the Beanies that are available.

I'm pretty sure that there is NOT a Ty Beanie Baby boxer. (My kids and I peruse the site all the time.)
Maybe another manufacturer. There is a brown and white bulldog that could pass for a natural eared boxer. :)

Lava Linda

Completely Boxer Crazy
There's a price guide for Breyer horses. The 2000 Edition sells for $15-20. I've never looked at it, myself, so I don't know how well it correlates with ebay prices.
I saw one set of 4 horses on ebay, two of which I own, go for $815!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The one I mentioned that goes for around $85 is the running stallion in red roan. An ugly horse, but apparently valuable!! ;)

If you've never used ebay, one nice thing about it is the extensive search capabilities. If you want to know what an Appaloosa foal goes for, you can search for just that one thing, and usually a dozen will pop up at once.


Boxer Buddy
*deeeeeeeeep sigh* I cant order anything from ebay because I dont have a credit card (just a check card from visa). I found a lp record for my mom for X-mas, asked a friend who had an account to bid on it for me(so that means I cant ever get anything for her on ebay...she'll know right away that its for her), she did, and I won. I sent the check (after confirming with her that I used my friends acount to buy it, and that was ok) sent the seller a postal Money order...that was about 3 (?) weeks ago....nothing in the mail...and nothing saying why it isnt getting to me. I wish they would let people who had visa check cards to bid..I know I would bid bid bid bid till the cows came home..

Amy- Owner of a Brindle Male boxer, natural ears, docked tail born 8/28/00
Harley-mixed shep, Garcia & Rain-cats, Count-horsey, Fishy-fish
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