I got a new job!!

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Boxer Booster
Many of you may know that I work in the evenings at a motel, and in the morning I work at a horse boarding farm. Well, I have been quite unhappy with the farm and I am sick of dealing with the public at the motel.

So I am changing what I do: I am the new groomer in training at a busy dog grooming salon a few miles from my house!! I lOVE IT!!
I do not have a dog and I am not allowed to have one, so now I have a bunch of dogs to love me all day long. It is pretty cool!! I worked at a boarding kennel that had a groomer there. They put the dogs in cages the whole time they were there. Here at Animal House the dogs all run loose like a doggie day care! It is great and the dogs are so happy!!

Derek-rainbow bridge at 14 and 1/2
Tyler-rainbow bridge at 10 months
Currently dogless


Completely Boxer Crazy
Ona, that sounds like tons of fun and so perfect for you! I always thought being a dog groomer would be great. Unfortunately, I would be covered in hives and probably hospitalized after the first couple of hours. :( Luckily, I easily build a pretty good amount of immunity to my own dog. Although I still get occasional hives from Cooper' :rolleyes:

Good luck, I think working with animals is probably better than working with people anyday. I am sure you are going to have wonderful stories to share...I'll look forward to them.


Hi, Ona! I agree with Robyn. Working with dogs has gotta be so much better than working with people. Sounds like a wonderful job and is sure to fill your day with lots of doggie kisses and slobbers. Best of luck and be sure to keep us posted on how it's going! :)

Boxer Baby: Harley - born 12/27/98 - adopted 1/14/2000 - docked tail/natural ears/neutered - full of pee & vinegar!
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