How to bring down a bull...instructions for other boxers

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Boxer Pal
There must be something wrong with my guys breeding. I always thought that boxers (bullenbeisers anyway) brought down a bull by it's NOSE. Luckily Hardy put me right on this one last night.

First, you parade around the room with said bull in mouth, and find a good possy where she can't get to it. Ignore her whining while you start on the TAIL. This is most easily removed.

Then move on to the small beady glass eyes. This is best achieved by getting your sister to tug on a leg at the same time.

After a session of tug of war, the neck will break away, revealing that lovely white dacron stuffing. This must be removed immediately and strewn around the house.

The next piece will probably be a horn...or a leg, we haven't decided yet, but we'll get back to you..we're busy with mouths full of dacron...

Laurel and Hardy -the terrible two. 21 mths.


LOL, Karen! Boxers are great demolition experts and make quick work of any poor stuffed animal that is unfortunate enough to be in their path. Harley keeps his current animal (Bunny FooFoo) in fairly decent shape, preferring to nibble on it rather than tear it to pieces. However, his lambchops is in several pieces strewn throughout the family room with, as you mentioned, dacron bits of fluff, covering our dark brown carpet. I always try to get angry with Harley when he destroys a toy but, when he looks up at me with those huge, brown eyes filled with mischief, I just can't stay mad.

Boxer Baby: Harley - born 12/27/98 - adopted 1/14/2000 - docked tail/natural ears/neutered - full of pee & vinegar!


Completely Boxer Crazy
Karen, you are SO funny!

Cooper just yesterday tried these same moves on a poor stuffed skunk. He has had it since March with nothing more than a very wet tail. I am still finding white tufts everywhere!

Cooper, 5-11-99
Red fawn, neutered male, floppy and docked
Mugzy, fawn, neutered male, cropped and docked rainbow bridge Sept. 98


Boxer Pal
Harley and Hunter only tear up rugs and slippers and any thing else that is not theirs!!!! They play and chew on their toys( about 50 of them) but don't destroy them. The giggly wiggly balls have them a bit confused so far. Hunter has figured out that if he goes to the top of the stairs and pushes it down with his nose it will make lots of noise on the way down and scare the devil out of Harley the younger one. Too funny to watch.

Boxer Crazy

Boxer Booster
That is funny!
Riley and Keisha make a good stuffed toy demolition team too - that stuffing is always all over the house (and more places than one in the backyard, if you know what I mean). Riley (when on her own)chews a little hole in a toy and then gets her little nose in there and becomes a very efficient destuffing machine! Travis is just starting to get in on the destruction. My hubby asks me why I keep giving them more stuffed animals when all they do is destroy them. But they have so much fun doing it, and I pick them up cheap from thrift shops.

Keisha - March 8/98 - female plain brindle with cropped ears
Travis - May 14/00 - male flashy fawn with natural ears.
Sammie - approx 11 yr. F/S Beagle X
Riley - March 8/97 - F/S tri-color, long haired chihuahua


Boxer Insane
ROFL Karen :D I had to pick up dacron from all over the house last week, only it was from a large green stuffed spider. It is always amazing just how big a mess can be created in a few minutes :)


Boxer Booster
Everyone has the funniest stories. I wish we could all get together and watch these boxer antics!
Jake also pushes his wiggly giggly down the stairs so it will make noise. When he wants to play, he'll grab whatever toy is nearby (or, if a toy isn't available, my slippers, socks, underwear, whatever!) and go galloping by trying to incite me to play. I think he prefers to steal MY stuff because he knows that will make me chase him. LOL! :)

Suzanna - Mom to Jake, 2 year old fawn male, floppy ears, docked tail


It sounds like I have been lucky so far! Tess and Zelda seem to be content to chew on their toys vs. destroying them. Tess' favorite is a stuffed Guy Smiley from Sesame Street....she lost him somewhere and I actually found another last week at the dollar store...she was in HEAVEN when I gave it to her. I wonder what it is about Guy Smiley that she loves so much!!?


Mom to:
LADY - White female, natural ears. Rainbow Bridge February 2000

TESS - Flashy Fawn female, born Dec, 1999, natural ears

ZELDA - Semi-flashy Female, natural ears, born May 31, 2000


Boxer Pal
Charlie destroys everything but his little knitted blue bear which lies in his crate and NEVER gets touched. The last toy I got him (a giant pink panther) ended up with it's head ripped off and its body parts all over the backyard.
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