How often do you bathe your boxer?

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I don't really bathe Debo, but I guess it's time, he had a "doggy" smell to him. He is only eating Nutro Lg Breed Puppy.
But was curious how often do you all have to give your baby a bath?

Also is there a test they can do for hip displaysia and what's the approximate cost? I notice when debo's tired his hips sway a bit, is that norm? :o

Debo's Mom
Brindle, male, nat. ears


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
I only give Markus a bath when he start to smell doggy and that isn't very often. Like once a year or so. It rains so much here, especially in the the winter, that he often gets wet. He therefore gets towelled off frequently and that helps to keep him clean.

For hip displasia you need to get their hips xrayed and they need to be put to sleep to do it. Has Debo been neutered yet? That would be a great time to have it done, if you are concerned about his hips.

Markus, dark brindle
neutered male, 6 yrs old


Debo is scheduled for 30th (husband still doesn't know) but I don't think he will give me a problem now.

What kind of shampoo - can I use a people's baby shampoo? - I do on my cats.


Ruby gets a bath about once every other month; usually when the "doggy" smell hits. Or when she's slobbered on alot by her doggie friends. To get rid of doggie smell I use Fresh and Clean, it keeps them smelling freshly bathed for days.


Ruby- Flashy Fawn, Black Mask,Cropped, 5/1998


Boxer Buddy
I give Barney a bath about every 3mos. I use a dog shampoo for puppies.
Barney--Brindle 14mo. male/n natural ear
Samson--Fawn ... Rainbow bridge 7-20-99


Completely Boxer Crazy
Indy and Beauty get a bath every 5 or 6 months. They are brushed alot, though. Neither of them have a doggy smell - yet! We hug them so much they smell like perfume. Yesterday when I got home, Beauty was greeting me and I hugged her around her neck and she smelled just like my mom's perfume! I use oatmeal shampoo when I bathe them.

Indy-Neutered, Natural, Fawn, Flashy-10/6/98
Beauty-Spayed,Cropped, Fawn, Black Mask-9/20/94; Adopted from rescue in New Orleans
Shiloh-10/18/85 to 10/14/98; Waiting for me at the Bridge

sandy oakey

Completely Boxer Crazy
The last time I bathed Nino I used oatmeal shampoo (recommended earlier by someone on this board). It is wonderful and makes their coat look and feel great.

Boxer Crazy

Boxer Booster
I gave Travis a bath a few weeks ago, not because he needed it but just to get him used to a bath. I bath the dogs every 4 - 6 months. I always give them a Christmas bath a week or so before Christmas. I also use an oatmeal shampoo - I think it is better for their skin. I don't think it is very good to use people shampoo or to bath them more than once a month as it dries their skin too much - at least that is what I've heard.
In the summer I fill up a hard plastic kiddie pool in the back yard (on a nice sunny hot day) and let is sit for a few hours to warm up then bathe them in it. When I bathe them there is hair EVERYWHERE (especially from my mutt!) so I prefer to bathe them outside when I can.

Keisha - March 8/98 - female plain brindle with cropped ears
Travis - May 14/00 - male flashy fawn with natural ears.
Sammie - approx 11 yr. F/S Beagle X
Riley - March 8/97 - F/S tri-color, long haired chihuahua

Amy Lyn

Super Boxer
I give Wagner a bath only when he is so muddy and/or dirty from a play group that he won't be allowed to walk, sit or lay on the carpet.

When he starts to have that really "doggy" smell, we just spray him with "Baby Dog" spray and brush him. Then he smells like baby powder and no more "doggy" smell for us.

Oh, and we use all sorts of different puppy shampoos (whichever one is closest when I finally get him in the tub)!

* * * * *
Amy Lyn
Wagner (Fawn, black mask) b: 04/25/00
Clark (Fawn, black mask) b: 03-11-99 (Rainbow Bridge 05-06-00)
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