How far do you commute to work?

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Completely Boxer Crazy
My company is relocating and the commute will be well over an hour one way. Just curious how long does everyone else commute? I'm kind of stumped here don't know if I want to be on the road 2 plus hours a day. Anyone else have a long haul?


BW owner
Staff member
25 minutes drive one way for the moment, at least 1 hour drive one way during the summer because of the tourists...



Boxer Buddy
40 min. each way... depending on traffic, sometimes it can be an hour or so. Gotta love that California traffic!!!! :D

Timmy S.

45 minutes to an hour...depending on traffic of course. And traffic in and around the Seattle/Tacoma area can be a nightmare. On day I left work at 2pm, and didn't pull into my driveway until 4:45pm because of traffic. Needless to say I had a few brewsky's to calm me down. Hehe


Completely Boxer Crazy
And I'm thinking an hour plus is so unreasonable, maybe it is not that bad. No it is bad. What about the days it snows? Rush hour traffic? I mean it took my husband 50 minutes to get there on a Sunday afternoon, with no traffic, no snow and he drives so much better than me.

Timmy S.

Malinda....Do you have any co-workers living in your area? Any opportunities to carpool? Believe me, having somebody to talk to while you drive to and from work really makes the drive easier. In fact for me, that's my favorite part about going to work. I love getting in that van and talking to my friends from work as we drive to and from. We laugh the whole way! Some days we have such a good time, it seems like it only took a few minutes to get home! Just a thought...might be something to look into. Good Luck!


Completely Boxer Crazy
Funny you should mention that because there are only two of us relocating and the other woman is determined we have to car pool. I'm not so sure. For a fews reasons first she has a hard time making it into work now and only lives 10 minutes away, she is always late. Than what if there is a family emergency, or someone has to leave early for a doctors appointment, house repair, etc. It happens and it happens a lot. So I'm not so sure carpooling is the answer for me. Plus hate the thought of being without a car at lunch time. I like to get out of the office and at this point not sure what is around the new office, so I might want that car.


Reasonable Moderator
Staff member
Half and hour in the morning and up to an hour to get home. I wouldn't want it any longer.

Malinda you could always carpool part of the the time. Even if you did it only a couple of days a week it would save you a little gas.
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