How do I edit a my post?

  • Thread starter Brutis and Bama's Mommy
  • Start date
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Brutis and Bama's Mommy

It was suppose to be their boxer. I am a dork


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Brutis and Bama's Mommy:
It was suppose to be their boxer. I am a dork<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Just click on the third little icon (paper w/pencil) above your message, and it will take you right back to your post and you may change it :) (I find this to be a VERY nice feature of this board!)


BW owner
Staff member
Thanks nanabear for answering to this question :) But I don't think a topic title can be edited, just the message can. Maybe on the next version of the board! Another feature not many people use is the search function...When there are already around 3000 messages in only 20 days this feature can be useful!



OLLY :eek: NOOOOOOO. please no! We're not ready for "the next version!"

[This message has been edited by nanabear (edited 08-12-2000).]


BW owner
Staff member
Are you still using DOS6 instead of windows etc? I guess not! ;) Same with the board. By the way, when it was on showboxer the software was updated three times and no one noticed it. The funny thing is that when the colors changed recently some people thought the forum software changed (they suddently found "bugs") but it didn't. It is still the version 5.45c (see the bottom of the page), as it was on showboxer at (see the middle of the page there). The new version should be great, with a who's online feature included to the board.

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